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Unnati was packing her things to leave from 'Chakravarthy Nivas', she didn't want to but she had to, this was the deal she had with Yash. However, the love she had got from this house was something she had always yearned for her whole life and it was not letting her leave in peace. She had got the love of a mother, a father, a brother and a sister, all the love of a family in just a month, something which she yearned for being an orphan. Leaving all this behind was hard for her but she had to, the one month deal that Yash had made with her was over now that he had proved that everything that happened was the work of his dad's business rivals trying to bring down the name of the Chakravarthy's, hence bringing down the name of 'Blue Moon Group of hotels'.

Nisha came to her room and hugged her "Do you have to go", Unnati's eyes brims with tears but she controls them and gives Nisha a small smile "This was the deal Akka (sister)...I can't stay here any longer", Nisha looks at her "Do you want to leave from here", Unnati tries to maintain her composure "I have to...but it's not the end of our friendship right...we'll meet and talk Akka", Nisha just nods and helps her pack. She completes her packing and goes out of the room taking her suitcase where the whole family was waiting for her, none of them wanted her to leave except for Yash.

Lakshmi, Yash's mother goes and hugs her "Don't go ma", Unnati was already trying hard to control her tears from falling and she telling her to not go was pulling the strings of her heart, in this one month she had become a mother like figure for Unnati. She pulls back from the hug and gives her a small smile "Come on Maa...umm sorry Aunty...I'm just leaving from this house not from your life...I'll just be a call away anytime you want to see me we can smile", Lakshmi smiles a little "You can still call me Maa", Unnati smiles and nods.

She goes near Narayan, Yash's father "I'm sorry Appa (dad)...I hope I can still call you that...(he smiles and nods)...all this happened because of me...I'm sorry", He shakes his head "No none of this happened because of you...they just used you...I know you cannot do such a thing...I just wish your marriage to Yash was real and you don't have to leave us...but it's your choice and we can't force you". She smiles a little, he continues "Remember this father is always there when you need something", she nods smiling.

Ayush, Yash's elder brother and Nisha's husband goes near her "You won't forget us right", she shakes her head, her eyes were glistening with tears. He hugs her and kisses her forehead "Anything you need anytime I'll always be there have a brother okay", she nods giving him a small smile. She then looks at Yash who was standing near the door with a lost expression on his face. She signs the divorce papers kept on the table and went near Yash, he looks at her "I'm sorry for won't have any interference in your life from me anymore...not even in the hospital", he just nods without saying anything.

She bid one last goodbye to everyone and left from there, though she put up a smiling face in front of everyone her heart was breaking into pieces while leaving the house. She was going back to her home but it didn't feel like it, this place 'Chakravarthy Nivas' felt like home to her, the place she was going back was just a house where there was no one she could speak to, no one who would care for her and no one who would ask for her likes and dislikes and cook for her. This family had given her so much of love, she would always be indebted to the love she received from them. She knew they all wanted her and Yash's marriage to continue but it was just a contract, she would have agreed to continue this marriage just for the sake of the family but she knew she had already created enough mess in Yash's life and couldn't continue to be a problem in his life. She left from 'Chakravarthy Nivas' with a heavy heart and lots of memories.

Yash was back at the hospital once Unnati had left from the house, somehow he didn't feel like staying there, everyone was sad with her leaving from the house and the house was looking lifeless right now. He wanted her to leave from his home and life but he didn't know she would leave such an impact on his family. She had made their home lively and colourful and now when she left, it had become colourless and lifeless. He was still not convinced completely that she wasn't involved in the planning against his dad's business or that she trusts him completely, he still had his doubts but then a part of his heart kept saying she couldn't do such a thing even if someone forced her to, she's too pure.

There was never a time where they would speak properly in civilised manner in the past month, everytime they both spoke they would end up fighting with eachother but there wasn't even one time where he saw her being rude with anyone else in his family. She wasn't someone who would do anything just to get something out of it, he saw her always working hard to get what she wanted in the four months he had known her. There was only one thing that was stopping him from trusting her completely, it was Deepak Karthikeyan, Unnati's friend and his father's business rival's son, he had seen her talking to him even after knowing that he is the root cause of the issue.

Yash was in his cabin, when his senior doctor and the chairman of the hospital enters along with a young man probably of 25 years old, he stands up immediately on seeing him "Anand Sir you could have called me", he just smiles "It's okay Yash...anyway this is Chirag and he will be our service engineer from now". Yash looks at him shocked "But...but why...Unnati is doing great", he gives him a sad smile "She didn't want to work here anymore...she wanted to withdraw the contract with us...but I couldn't let her go...I tried to convince her but she wasn't ready to listen...but in the end I had to agree for the exchange of the engineer", that's when her words sink in 'You won't have any interference in your life from me anymore...not even in the hospital'.

They both leave from his cabin while he sits back on his chair with a thud as realisation sinks in that he won't be able to see her anymore, though he would never admit there was a part of him that waited for her, to talk to her even if it was to end up in an argument with her. Women never interested him nor did he have time to spare for anything else other than first his studies and then his career but now 'She' was leaving a major impact on his life, the thought of not being able to see her anymore causes an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Do let me know your views on the storyline ❤️

Will be starting this post 'Destiny's play'💖

This is a non fanfiction story.

Happy Reading 💙

Yours lovingly

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