Chapter 33

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1.5 years later...

In Mumbai,

Yash had gone back to Mumbai a week after that day, he didn't want to stay in Chennai post the incident. He didn't go back to Chennai in this 1.5 year, his family too was not speaking to him properly post the incident. Though he didn't want to he was going back because it was one of his best friend, Karthik's wedding. Abhi goes to Yash's room "Come on Yash the flight is in 2 hours.. and it will take atleast an hour to go to the airport.. come fast you idiot". Yash shakes his head putting his clothes inside his suitcase "Godd why are you so impatient.. it's not like if you miss this flight you won't be able to go at all.. I'm not at all interested in going to Chennai.. you are only forcing me..".

Abhi looks at him "So you haven't forgotten Unnati". Yash's heart beats fast at the mention of her name, he had not seen her even once in the past 1.5 years, not even one photo oh hers. Six months before Akshara had called him and blasted him just like the day when Unnati had left Chakravarthy Nivas, this time in the anger of seeing her best friend crying for him even after a year she had vented out everything to him, about Vedant and what happened with Deepak.

Yash was more than shocked, ever since there was not a day when he didn't regret his decision. He kept thinking that he should have listened to her, talk to her, he started to think it's all his fault. He was feeling guilty, he was regretting his decision just like Ayush had said, also yearning for her like Ayush had said, and all the more he thought about her, only one thought came into his mind, he didn't deserve her just like Nisha and Akshara had told him.

Yash was lost in his thoughts, Abhi shakes him "Yash back to earth", Yash looks at him startled "Ha.. haan.. what is it Abhi". Abhi looks at him smiling and shakes his head "I got my answer.. let's go", Yash looks at him confused "What answer". Abhi just smiles "Nothing.. let's go.. there the groom is sulking.. here you are sulking.. I can't handle two people sulking.. so you better buckle up and help me handle sulking Karthik", Yash nods and they leave for the airport.

They soon board the flight, Yash keeps looking out through the window at the clouds as his mind goes back to  the day Akshara had called him six months ago,

He was getting ready to go to the hospital, Abhi had already left early since one of his patient had gone into labour in the early hours of the morning. His phone started ringing, he checked his phone to see that it's Akshara, he was confused as to why she was calling him. He thinks to himself, probably any emergency.. else I don't think she will call after that show a year ago.

He picks it up "Hello Akshara.. any problem", she starts shouting from the other side "Yeah you are my problem.. my babe is crying here because of you.. while you are in Mumbai like you care a damn.. you know what you never deserved her.. I was stupid to ship her with you.. huh!!.. she lost her smile.. the one who used to scold everyone even for the slightest of things doesn't even open her mouth.. my dino has turned calm.. though I wanted that I don't like it one bit.. she even stopped playing in the rain because of you.. because it reminds her of your stupid date.. you stupid man.. but why would you care.. you only know to show anger..

What do you think she wanted to break your relationship.. that girl who sits in a corner and cries without anyone's notice even after a year to your separation would have ever wanted to break the relationship.. she may have spoke up in anger that day but did you even try to find out what would have happened.. no you don't give a damn.. but today I'm going to speak and you are going to listen", Yash rolls his eyes, like she let me speak till now. She continues "She was so happy on your birthday.. but you know what happened.. you know why she didn't come to the place you had called her.. that Vedant.. he tried to force her.. tried to misbehave with her.. tried to speak ill about you but my babe defended herself and defended you.. infront of him..

when he said you would leave her.. she said you would never leave her.. but see.. it's not like she was scared that you would leave her and got married to you.. No!!.. not at all!!.. she was tried of being alone.. tired of hearing people talk.. that's why she wanted to marry you suddenly.. but now again you left her alone.. again you let her become the topic of gossips..". Yash was shocked, no words came out of his mouth after knowing this.

Tears well up Akshara's eyes and her throat constricts not being able to bring out words, still she continues "You will never understand Yash.. you will never.. even if she forgives you I will never.. never let you anywhere near her even if you try.. what else you said.. you asked her if she was involved in the plotting against you.. how did you even think that you dumb man.. though it was Deepak's doing he was forced to do it by a promise his mother tricked into making.. even then he tried to save you but because of his dad you got stuck in the plan.. she was trying to explain it to you.. but would you listen.. no you didn't give a damn to her pleas.. your anger.. goes ten notches higher than your love and blinds you.. I have seen her suffer enough.. now you suffer in regret and guilt.. good bye!!.. don't even try contacting her after this!!.. or ever again!!".

She disconnected the call, his phone slipped from his hand and he was shocked beyond words. He fell on his knees, his eyes kept pouring tears as if the niagara was unleashed, What have I done.. how could I do this.. she is crying for me.. still.. I left her alone.. I left her all alone.. I should be the one suffering not her.. they are right.. I don't deserve her.. I never did.. how was I so stupid.. why couldn't I listen to my heart even once... I hate myself.. I can never forgive myself for this.. my.. my Unnati.. no she isn't yours.. you think she will ever forgive you.. will you be able to forgive yourself for what you did. He sits in his room feeling guilty for everything that he did as his eyes keep pouring and the pain in his heart intensifies knowing what she was going through.

He was brought back out if his trance as the flight landing was announced. His eyes were glistening with tears, last time he came here he got someone special but when he left from here he had lost her, now coming back it only reminded him of her. Ayush had come to pick Yash and Abhi, he hugs Abhi as soon as he sees him while he gives Yash a small smile "let's go home.. both of you.. you guys can go to Karthik's home tomorrow". Yash silently gets into the car and keeps looking outside the window while Abhi keeps talking with Ayush.

As soon as they reach home Yash quietly goes to his room informing his mom and dad. Abhi looks at Yash's mom and dad "Talk to him Uncle Aunty.. he has been like this ever since he came back.. and ever since he came to know everything he has gone even more silent", his mom and dad nod. Ayush looks at them "Maa I'll go talk to him", they both agree. Ayush goes to Yash's room and knocks on his door, Yash opens the door and looks at Ayush surprised.

Ayush goes inside Yash's room "Hey why did you go to the room.. just now you came right", Yash looks elsewhere "Nothing like that Anna.. I was just tired". Ayush sits with him on the bed "I know Yash you are regretting your decision.. you are feeling guilty.. but something's are not in our hand when they are meant to come they will.. if Unnati is in your fate.. you will get her again.. if she isn't.. then it's not in our hand..". Yash breaks down like a baby hugging him "I don't deserve her Anna.. she is an Angel.. I don't deserve her at all.. I cannot forget her Anna.. I tried.. I tried really hard to not think about her in this 1.5 year but she is the only one who has been in my mind since then".

Ayush hugs him back "It's okay.. baby bro.. cry it out.. it's not easy to forget your love.. ", Yash cries his heart out. Ayush takes him to the living room, everyone talks to him properly. He smiles a little after seeing his family talk to him as before.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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