Chapter 48

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Unnati and Yash's haldi was done, everyone was getting ready for the wedding. Unnati was ready in a white with red border silk saree.

Akshara and Aadhira were smiling looking at Unnati "Baby you are looking so beautiful

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Akshara and Aadhira were smiling looking at Unnati "Baby you are looking so beautiful.. Yash is crazy for you.. he is going to go even more crazy seeing you..". Unnati blushes hearing Aadhira "Yaar Aadhu..", Akshara smiles "What she is saying the truth.. he is already following you like a lost puppy.. I'm thinking what will he do tonight". Akshara and Aadhira giggle looking at Unnati while she turns a deep shade of red blushing.

Yash on the other hand was ready in a silk white dhothi with golden border, a white shirt and an Angavasthra (a cloth worn over the shoulder).

Yash on the other hand was ready in a silk white dhothi with golden border, a white shirt and an Angavasthra (a cloth worn over the shoulder)

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Karthik and Abhi were with Yash, they keep teasing Yash. Abhi looks at Yash "Yash concentrate on the wedding rituals okay.. not on Unnati.. you can concentrate on her later dude..". Karthik was smiling "Who are you talking to.. he will still be staring at her only.. these words will fly out of his ears once he sees her". Yash blushes looking elsewhere "Shut up both of you", they both laugh looking at him.

The first set of rituals, that is, the Ganesh pooja performed by the groom and Gauri pooja performed by the bride were already done. Yash's parents performed the Ganesh pooja with Yash and then performed the Gauri pooja with Unnati as her parents also. Unnati was taken to the mandap (stage) while Yash was sent for Kashi yatra.

Deepak had to perform the Kashi Yatra as Unnati's brother but he was missing. Everyone kept calling him, Shiva keeps looking everywhere for him "Where is Deepak.. let me check with Akshara or Unnati.. if they know". Shiva goes inside to check with Akshara and Unnati but they also didn't know where he was. Everyone kept calling him but he wasn't picking, Yash "I'm not going on any Kashi Yatra.. I'm going inside to marry Unnati", Ayush laughs looking at him "We all know how desperate you are Yash.. just wait for a few more minutes.. it's just a ritual nobody is sending you actually on the yatra". After sometime they decided that someone else can perform the ritual instead of Deepak.

Just when Shiva was going to start the ritual Deepak comes in "Sorry sorry.. I forgot something.. I went home to get it and sat for a few minutes I don't know when I slept off.. sorry". Everyone laugh looking at him "You slept off and here our groom was getting impatient to marry your sister". Deepak smiles sheepishly "Sorry.. let's start". As per the ritual, Deepak stops Yash and requests him to marry his sister instead of going on a Kashi Yatra leaving all the worldly pleasures. Yash gives his consent after which Deepak does his aarthi, makes him wear sandals and holds an umbrella for him on the way back to the mandap.

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