Chapter 2

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In Mumbai,

Two men were getting ready, One of the man shouts from the living room "Abhi yaar how much time do you take to get ready..I think even girls get ready faster than you", Abhishek comes out of his room "Shut up Yash.. it takes time to look like this bro", Yash laughs " you need to look like this while in the operation theatre also". Abhi looks at him "Ofcourse Yash.. what if one of lady patient falls in love with me... I should look good right", Yash shakes his head laughing "I bow down to your imagination man..", Abhi looks at him "What can happen", Yash laughs "Sureee... anyway we are getting late let's go". Abhishek is Yash's friend, flatmate and a colleague, Abhi and Yash started off their internship at the same time in Jiya Hospital's Mumbai branch and hence they became friends, Yash is a cardiologist while Abhi is a gynecologist.

They both reach the hospital, it was Yash's last day, he was taking a break for his wedding for a month and had to go back to Chennai. Yash goes to his cabin, just then one of the nurse comes inside "Sir Dr.Naresh is calling you", Yash nods "Okay I'll go see him". Yash goes to Dr.Naresh's cabin, he is the chairman of the Mumbai's branch. "Dr.Naresh you called for me?", Dr.Naresh looks up from the file "Ahh Yash..come sit down..yes I had called for you..", Yash takes the seat opposite to him. "Yash since you are going to Chennai for your wedding I was wondering if you could take care of a patient while you are there..", Yash looks at him "Sure Doc..I can", Dr.Naresh looks at him "Are you sure...if it will be a disturbance between your wedding preparation then you don't need to take it up...", Yash smiles "It won't be a problem.. I'll take it up..when can I get the reports of the patient", Dr.Naresh smiles "Okay.. you will get the reports in 2 - 3 days.. All the best and congratulations Yash for your marriage", Yash thanks him and leaves from there.

Yash goes back to his cabin, he had no patients coming in till the noon so he was sitting and thinking about his life and how it's going to change in just 2 more weeks. His parents had been asking him to get married since the past two years, now that he was turning 30 years old in a couple of months they wanted him to get married as soon as possible, hence his marriage was fixed with Akshara. His parents had chosen her so he didn't question them and just gave a nod. There was only one thing didn't want, he didn't want a lavish wedding, so did the girl's parents, hence the wedding was going to be an intimate family affair.

I didn't want to get married so soon but then Maa and Nanna want this.. how could I refuse them when they have been asking me from so long.. I'm always too busy with the hospital and patients that I barely get time for myself.. now I have to make time for the girl who is going to be my wife also.. how am I going is big question mark to me.. I just hope she will understand this about my profession.. I'm just happy for one thing that they don't want a lavish wedding...I have never been a fan of these grand celebration I always like to keep to myself... Being the son of one of the biggest hotelier in Asia it wasn't easy to maintain my privacy... The media just doesn't understand what is meant by 'don't poke your noses in others businesses'...if they don't understand the easy way they will be made to understand the hard way.. that's what happened when Nanna blasted them for writing some stupid shit about me for not showing up in any of the parties or celebration.. they shut up after that and did not try to find out anything about me... but I know this time there is no escape.

He was lost in his thoughts when a nurse comes in informing him about his patient who had arrived, he leaves his thoughts aside and gets busy in checking his patients. He completed his duty for the day by evening and goes back to his appartment, since Abhi had some appointments later in the evening he had stayed back. Yash had to pack his clothes as he had to leave for Chennai the next afternoon. He packs his things and goes to make dinner. He makes paratha and Aloo matar for both of them. Abhi arrives while Yash was making the dinner, he freshens up and comes back to the living room.

Abhi starts eating his dinner "Yash I'm gonna miss this yaar...once you get married you will stay with bhabhi (sister-in-law) after coming back who will cook food for me", Yash chuckles "Learn cooking you idiot.. I have been telling you that since a long time you never listen", Abhi pouts "Yaar at home Mumma cooks... Here you cook why do you think I would learn.. moreover I didn't think you would get married before me Mr.Workaholic.. I was sure you would be the last one to get married that too because of uncle and aunty..though last part is true", Yash looks at him "It's not like I'm dying to get married Abhi... I really don't want to.. but I can't keep dodging Maa and Nanna forever.. I don't know Abhi I have a weird feeling that something is going to happen..", Abhi hits his head "Ofcourse you idiot you are getting married.. something is happening in your's something new".

Yash looks at him "No yaar it's not about the marriage.. yes I know it's a new beginning... But I'm not having any feeling about's something else... Let's see", Abhi pats his shoulder "You are thinking too much Yash.. let it go with the flow", Yash nods "Yeah". They complete their dinner and retire to their rooms. Yash keeps getting messages in the chat group of his cousins, they keep teasing him about his marriage, he was fed up of their teasing and just ignores them. He was sitting near the window and looking outside the window, the trees were dancing with the wind and stars shining in the sky, the night breeze blowing softly was refreshing to him.

Nature always calms him down, it was his only other interest, he loved nature and capturing the beauty of nature in his camera was something he loved to do. His phone would always be filled with photos of nature. Even his social media profiles would be filled with them, he didn't like uploading his pictures like his cousins or his brother does, that's why even his display picture was of a beach, the tides hitting the shore. He starts feeling sleepy after sometime and hence he goes and lies down, soon sleep engulfs him.

The next day, by evening he reaches Chennai. His elder brother, Ayush goes to pick him up from the airport, he hugs Yash as soon as he sees him, Yash too hugs him, it had been months since they met. Ayush smiles coming out of the hug "Welcome Mr.Groom... you would be the only groom who arrives late to his wedding preparations", Yash smiles "Yeah your brother is unique". Ayush laughs "Sureeee Mr.Groom let's go Amma Nanna waiting", they both leave for 'Chakravarthy Nivas' where his parents and sister-in-law were waiting for him.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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