Chapter 34

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It's double update today❤️


The next day, A girl was running around in her house, she bumps into the other two girls who just then enter were entering her home "Uff Aadhu.. why are you running around.. be careful Akshu is pregnant.. see Akshu this is what she has been doing the whole week.. running around all the time". Adhira looks at Akshara and Unnati both "Excuse me my dear bridesmaids.. you were supposed to be here an hour ago", Akshara glares at her "Sorry that I'm heavily pregnant Aadhira.. and I have stupid conditions like feeling nauseous all the time, having to pee all the time and vomiting every now and then.. all thanks to your sweetest brother-in-law".

Unnati chuckles looking at Akshara while Aadhira bites her tongue "Sorry sorry". Aadhira is Akshara's cousin, she had completed her masters in Health supportive culinary arts from Los Angeles, she had set up her own catering business which caters to food supply in the hospitals rather than commercial purposes. Unnati and Aadhira had become friends in the 'New Hope' hospital that they both were working in. Adhira had newly started her catering services in the hospital before 5 months whereas Unnati was working there since the past year.

Unnati looks at Adhira "Don't worry Aadhira everything is in place for your engagement just like you asked for.. a fairytale theme.. happy", Aadhira smiles and side hugs Unnati "Uff.. thank you baby.. what would I do without you.. had I been a boy I would have gotten married to you". Unnati looks at her shocked, Akshara chuckles "Yeah yeah.. but now there is no way because she is straight", Aadhira glares at her "I am too.. I said if I was a boy". Aadhira sighs "Anyway.. atleast the theme of the wedding is my choice and interesting unlike that groom of mine is a who is completely a boring person.. I mean like seriously the girl call and tells him to meet yet he doesn't come.. seriously who does that.. stupid cardiologist".

'Cardiologist' that word reminds her of Yash. Her smile vanishes as her thoughts run back to Yash and an uneasy feeling raises in her heart pricking it like needles. Akshara looks at Unnati as an empty look occupies her eyes, she tries to change the topic "Aree leave it.. let's go check the menu once.. anyway I'm not able to eat anything properly without feeling nauseous.. come let's check it once". She holds Unnati's hand and takes her along with Adhira, Unnati looks at Akshara coming out of her trance, Akshara smiles and blinks at her.

Adhira was narrating them the menu but Unnati still goes back into her thoughts of Yash. Why are you thinking about him.. he doesn't care.. I cannot stop it.. something's just bring a lot of memories alive.. there hasn't been a day where you haven't thought about him.. stop it.. stop thinking about him.. he doesn't think about you.. he doesn't give a damn.. he never even tried to contact you.. you think he still cares.. no!! Not even one bit!! Stop thinking about him!!. She clears her thoughts and tries to concentrate on what Aadhira is saying but her thoughts kept going back to Yash.

She looks at Akshara and Adhira "Girls I'll be back", Akshara looks at her, she just nods assuring her she is fine. She goes to the garden and tries to clear up her mind, Why doesn't he leave my heart and mind.. why are you troubling me still.. I'm tired.. tried of crying.. tired of remembering you.. tired of trying to forget you.. I cannot anymore.. please leave from my mind and heart.. please. Her eyes well up with tears even though she tried to control them, she wipes her tears, come on Unni.. you need to concentrate Aadhira's wedding.. come on smile.. don't think about himm!!.. be happy your friend is getting married.. come on smile.. if you don't Akshu will start panicking and it's not good for her especially in when she is 7 months pregnant.. yes smile now!!

She puts on a fake smile on her face and goes back to Adhira's room. Aadhira turns to Unnati and Akshara "Okay girls.. my would be husband is a spoil sport doesn't mean I won't dance.. make sure the DJ puts on some good dance numbers.. if he doesn't I'm killing you both". They both smile looking at her, she is a crazy, messy and a free spirited soul but her would be husband, a complete opposite of her, he is calm, composed and always follows a neat pattern and plans out everything before hand. Their marriage was arranged by their parents, though she had not talked to him much, from whatever she spoke with him she could only come to one conclusion that he is a 'boring person' while he termed her 'Insane' also thought at times she needs treatment.

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