Chapter 13

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Days were passing, it had been a month since Akshara's wedding. Yash and Unnati's relationship was progressing with their banters, explosions and moments. They would meet outside of hospital but it would only be along with their friends, not even once did they meet alone or speak about their 'unnamed' relationship. They were happy just cherishing their moments, not ready to name it anything right away. The teasing from their friends and family didn't stop, infact it only increased now that they had found a couple name for them they wouldn't leave a chance to tease them.

It was lunch time, Yash was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for Unnati. Though they don't sit together to have their lunch, it had become a habit for him to eat along with her even while sitting in another table. He sees Deepak entering the cafeteria alone, Unnati was not there with him, where is this atom bomb of mine.. where is she causing explosions. He thinks to wait for sometime, probably she is busy in fixing something.. I'll wait. He waits for 15 minutes when she doesn't come he was about to go to Deepak and ask him but before that Deepak himself approaches him "She is banging her head against her books trying to study.. if you can bring her to have lunch you can try.. I tried she shot me one look and I ran".

Yash mutters a 'Thank you' to him and goes to her cabin. He sees her writing down something her nose scrunched up concentrating on what she is writing and her pencil sticking out from her bun. He smiles looking at her, her cuteness is going to be the death of me.. why is this woman so cute. She suddenly starts searching for something, what is she searching for, she messes everything on her desk while searching, she then puts her hand on her head not being able to find but then she realises her pencil is stuck on her head and pulls it out unleashing her lush black hair.

Her hair flies with the air while she continues to write something looking at the book. Her hair keeps falling over her eyes as she keeps pushing them, he was looking at her mesmerized, how can someone look this beautiful.. it's a crime Ms.Atom bomb. She was wearing a simple yellow coloured kurta and jeans, her dangling earrings get tangled with her hair as it keeps flying. She looks up trying to untangle them, that's when she notices the door and Yash standing at the door staring at her in a trance.

Yash's feet take him towards her unconsciously, she stands up on seeing him "Youu". He keeps moving towards her in a daze, she keeps looking at him, he pulls her closer holding her waist. She looks at him shocked "Wh.. wh.. what", her eyes widen even more as his hand pushes away a strand of falling on her eyes behind her ears and then trails down to her earring, she fists his shirt in her hand pulling him closer. His one hand tries to untangle the locks while his other keeps holding her waist, he blows more air trying over her ears trying to push them away from her earrings. She shudders as he blows hot air over her ears "Yashh..", he finally untangles her earrings from her hair "You know darling.. I call you atom bomb not just because you explode.. you cause explosions in someone's heart too".

She pulls back from him and punches him in his stomach glaring at him "Idiot.. how many times do I have to tell you don't call me that name". He pulls her further closer, her breathe hitches and he keeps pushing her hair behind "Darling or Atom bomb". She gulps and looks at him "Aa..aa..atom ba.. bomb", he smiles looking at her "No darling.. you can't get rid of both the names Ms.Atom bomb". She looks at him "Then you will keep getting this", she again punches him in the stomach, this time hard, "Ooouuuu.. I'm not your punching bag Ms.Atom bomb.. but keep using me like that".

He loosens his hold on her, she keeps glaring at him and caresses the place she had punched "I told you na.. till you keep calling me Atom bomb this is what you will keep getting Doc". She makes him sit down and puts her cold water bottle on his stomach, he looks at her "One day you are going to get me admitted in the same hospital with all your punching Atom bomb". She again glares at him "Well Dr.Yash.. if you don't want to.. then you should stop calling me by that name", he smiles shaking his head.

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