Chapter 27

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Yash and Unnati reached Blue Moon, they go in as most of the staff had already reached. Dr.Anand sees Yash and Unnati and goes near them "Well Unnati I didn't congratulate you in the morning.. so congratulations both of you.. may god bless you both with all the happiness.. Divi and Harshi were jumping around like hooligans hearing the news.. both your aunties also were really happy". Unnati smiles while Yash was looking at him shocked how he came to know "Thank you uncle". Unnati looks at Yash's confused and shocked face "Anand uncle is my neighbour.. you remember Divya", he nods "She is his daughter.. and in the morning I had told him that we got married yesterday". Yash understands "Ohhh Okay.. thank you Dr.Anand".

The party started and they give out awards to best doctors and other staff who have been working in the hospital for the past 10 years. Unnati sees Deepak in the party, she smiles on seeing him and was about to go near him when her name was announced for giving her the award for her service for the past 2 years. She goes to stage while Deepak gets a call and goes out of the party hall

"What is it Mrs.Karthikeyan.. I told you don't call me again"

"Why are you talking like this Deepak.. I'm your mother"

"No.. you are Mr.Karthikeyan's wife.. who tricked me into promising something that is going to ruin my sister's life.. my mother would not have done that"

"Deepak listen to me"

"I don't need any explanation Mrs.Karthikeyan.. I'm doing what you tricked me into promising.. once I'm done with that.. I and you have no relationship.. this is the reason why I stopped talking to Mr.Karthikeyan and Deepan.. you knew it very well.. because of his deceitful deeds..yet you.. I thought you would never support that but I was proven wrong.. thank you for making me ruin my sister's life.. and good bye"

"Deepak I didn't.. listen to me"

"You did.. you called me to Mr.Karthikeyan's Mansion.. you acted as if you are not well.. said it's your last wish and tricked me into promising.. and then you gave me the shock of what you wanted me to do.. I cannot forgive myself for promising you such a thing.. you have your son Deepan.. forget that you had a son named Deepak.. Good bye Mrs.Karthikeyan.. please don't contact me again"

He disconnects the call and he stays in the backyard, Why are you making me do this maa.. you know how much she means to me.. why her.. why him.. he isn't a bad guy.. he makes her happy.. when she is happy finally with him.. you want me to ruin it Maa.. why Maa.. but I know she will come to know it's me.. she will hate me.. but then if she stays with him after knowing the truth that's more than enough for me even if she doesn't forgive me.. I'm sorry Unnati I'm doing this to you.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, he wipes his glistening eyes and turns around to see Unnati "Deepu what are you doing here.. everyone's inside.. come". She looks at him "Deepu you were crying.. what happened", he keeps looking elsewhere "No I was not.. I'll come you go". She stays there "No I'm not going.. you tell me what happened.. why were you crying", he looks at her "Nothing happened and you will know everything when time comes". She shakes her head looking at him and holds his hand "Okay now come.. let's go inside.. I need to tell you something". He keeps protesting but she doesn't listen to him and takes him inside to Yash.

Yash smiles looking at him "Thank god you are here.. this girl was eating my head". Unnati hits his shoulder and narrows her eyes at him "Excuse me Dr.Yash.. this girl is your wife now.. so if you don't want to sleep on your beautiful white couch or be kicked out the room.. then don't complain my dear hubby". He chuckles looking at her and shakes his head while Deepak looks at them shocked "Wife.. hubby.. when did this happen". Yash smiles looking at Unnati "Yesterday.. you see she was too desperate to you know.. so we got married last night". Unnati again smacks his shoulder looking at him shocked "Shut up", Yash chuckles "I was saying.. you were too desperate to become my wife.. what did you think darling".

Deepak was still in shock, he looks at them "I'll just be back". He takes out his phone and tries dialling someone, Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! They already got married.. I shouldn't do this.. I need to stop this. He was dialling his mother but she wasn't picking up the phone, Please baby.. just trust Yash.. don't get angry or do anything in haste.. I'm sorry I cannot tell you anything because of the promise Maa made me to do.. I'm so sorry. He goes back inside to see Yash and Unnati smiling and dancing on the dance floor, why are you making me do this to them Maa.. why are you doing this Maa.. doesn't she remind you of our Dharsha.

Yash and Unnati come back to Deepak, she giggles looking at Deepak "Out of your shock Deepu". He smiles a little, Unnati looks at both them "Okay my dear boring cardiologists I'm hungry.. aren't you both hungry?". She drags them both along to have their dinner. Deepak keeps fidgeting not knowing what to do nor being able to look at them. Yash looks at Unnati "I'll go and get water", Deepak stands up before him "Dr.Yash you be seated I'll bring.. anyway I wanted to go get..", Yash tries to stop him "Arre it's okay..", Deepak looks at him "It's not a problem.. you both stay together I'll bring water".

Deepak goes to get water, Okay now only one way to stop this.. I shouldn't let Dr.Yash go anywhere alone.. yes I'll do that. He goes back after taking water for both of them, they both were talking and eating. He does the same everytime Yash tells them he wants to get something, Unnati and Yash keep looking at him confused as to why he doing all this, he just tried to lighten the mood by saying "Aree now he is my brother-in-law now.. I need to take care of him na".

After dinner, there were some fun competitions going on for everyone. Deepak had gone to the washroom telling them both not to go anywhere alone but he came back he saw Unnati standing alone, he rushes to her "Where is Dr.Yash.. why are you standing alone". She looks at him "Why are you so tensed Deepu.. he was feeling thirsty he went to get something to drink.. relax". Yash comes back after drinking water, Deepak relaxes once he sees him.

Soon the party was over, everyone starts to leave. Yash had gone to the restroom, Deepak was again panicking but he didn't want to confuse or worry them more by insisting, also the party was over now nobody would do anything, thank god the party is over.. now I hope there is nothing to worry. He turns to Unnati when Yash doesn't come back for a long time "Baby..", he was about to say something when he phone pings with a message.

"There is an emergency at the hospital Unnati.. I'm going to the hospital.. You take a cab Unnati.. go home safely.. Message me as soon as you reach home.. I'll come home soon"

She turns to Deepak "Deepu let's leave.. there is an emergency in the hospital.. Yash has gone there". Deepak looks at her confused "Emergency!?", just then he too gets a call stating an emergency in the hospital. She looks at him "Okay you go.. I'll take a cab", he looks at her and caresses her hair, she smiles "Okay go home safely.. wait you are going to Chakravarthy's house?", She smacks his head "Obviously na Deepu.. Now that's my house". He smiles "Okay okay fine.. go home..".

She reaches home, everyone looks at her as she comes home alone, Narayan looks at her "Where is Yash ma", She looks at him "Appa there was an emergency at hospital.. he had to go". He smiles "Okay ma.. you go and rest.. you will be tired.. we will talk tomorrow", she smiles and nods "Okay Appa". She goes to their room, she changes into her pajamas and comes out. She goes and sits on the bed, I'll wait for him.. hmm let's read something. She opens Wattpad and starts reading a book, but being tired she drifts into sleep after sometime.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading💙
Yours lovingly

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