Chapter 25

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Someone suddenly pinned to the shelf and she was shocked. She turned around scared who might it be, she was all the more shocked seeing Vedant. She was looking at him shocked "Vedant.. what are you doing.. leave me". He didn't budge instead he tried to hold her waist "Come on Unnati.. why do you need that Yash.. I'm here for you baby.. I love you baby..". She tries to push him off but he had a firm grip "What the.. shut up.. leave me.. I don't feel anything for you.. I thought you are a good friend but you are ruining that also.. leave me".

She was struggling to get out of his hold "No not leaving you today.. finally I got my chance.. come on atleast a kiss baby.. I didn't think of trying this before because I thought I had time to woo you.. but ever since that Yash Chakravarthy came into your life.. my life has become hell.. and you.. how could you go to him.. you are mine.. you always have been.. and stop struggling". He holds her arms with a firm grip, she again tries to remove his grip but he just tightens his hold, tears spill out of her eyes "Shut up.. just shut up.. I'm not yours.. not now not ever.. I'm not your property that you can claim me in any way..".

He looks at her "Oh so I can't claim you call you mine but that Yash can do whatever he wants.. kiss you or sleep with you.. right.. why because he is rich.. he is a Chakravarthy.. and I'm not". Her temper was flaring while she keeps struggling to get out of his hold "What do you think of me.. do you think I'm a.. a slut.. to do all that just because he is rich.. how cheap you are Vedant..". He tries to pull her closer as she pushes off his grip on her in her anger.

He again pins her to the shelf as she tries to leave "Yeah yeah I'm cheap.. desperate and what not.. but what are you.. come on baby you love a guy who you know just for past couple of months.. I have been in your life for more than five years yet you never felt anything for me.. how.. but he enters your life and you fall in love with him.. how easy na.. he touches you.. holds you.. yet you don't feel uncomfortable you love it.. but just as I touch you.. you back off as if my touch is repulsive..". Her anger keeps reaching peaks and angry hot tears keep pouring from her eyes "You make me uncomfortable.. he doesn't!! Don't you get that.. he would never do anything like this.. he would never do anything against my consent.. but you.. you will never understand.. let me gooo".

He looks at her smirking "Yeah right.. I finally got my chance baby.. I told you right I'm not letting go.. come on atleast one kiss.. I love you baby". He tries to kiss her pulling her closer, she was enraged and a slap lands on his face, her eyes had turned red with anger as she keeps glaring at him "How could you Vedant.. enough just enough.. what you want.. me to sleep with you then you will be happy na.. you will leave me.. you will be satisfied.. then don't say that you love me.. it's not love.. it's lust..". He was fuming as she slapped him "How dare you slap me Unnati..", he again pins her to the wall holding her arms tightly that it would leave marks on her soft skin.

"So mine is lust.. then what about that Yash's.. haan.. you think he won't be satisfied after having you on his bed once.. and come on he is a rich and influential man's son.. you think he will stick to you for long.. what are you a queen of somewhere.. you have no one remember that.. he won't be answerable to anyone even if he leaves you.. and come on baby him loving you.. interested in you.. for me it's more like he is playing with you.. look at you.. you are hot and sexy.. any guy would want you.. but other than that you are not so special.. he would not mind leaving you.. well after you know.. and you would definitely come back to me then.. so why waste time on him.. when you can be with me instead.. (he laughs looking at her) I won't leave you after I have you on my...".

A slap lands on his cheek not letting him complete the sentence, this time even harder "Shut uppp!! Just Shut up!! Not one word against Yash.. and I'm not a Slut!! Don't even think that I will ever sleep with you.. you think so low of me I never imagined Vedant.. never did I ever think you would do such a thing.. you would force me.. Call me names.. yes I'm not special.. I'm not queen of anywhere.. but I do have people who care for me.. and your brother is one among them.. and whatever you said about Yash.. yes I don't know him for more than a couple of months yet I trust him that he will not leave me.. I know you for more than 5 years yet I wasn't able to trust you completely.. and see you betrayed me .. you.. you are trying to force me.. I don't ever want to see you again Vedant.. don't worry I won't tell Satvik about this.. he would be broken hearing about his brother's deed".

She turns to leave but he again grabs her waist stopping her, she turns around and slaps him again and again, her eyes pouring yet blazing with anger "Don't ever touch me Vedant!! Ever again!! don't think I'm weak!! don't ever show me your face again.. one more time you try this with me you will be behind the bars.. I don't want Satvik to be hurt.. that's the only reason I'm leaving you now". She goes to the parking, her eyes keep pouring tears, she takes her scooty and drives back to her house.

She parks her scooty and runs to her house and throws the key on the couch, she pushes all the books on the bookshelf down in her anger, "How dare he.. how could he..". She pushes the flowers vases kept on the shelves down, yet her anger was not reducing. She hated the fact that he touched her, tried to even kiss her "How could he do that.. I thought of him as a friend.. how could he.. he thought so low of me.. why.. am I that bad..". She locks the door and runs out to the store room in the terrace, she would always go to that room when she is upset or angry.

She sits in the corner of the room and cries "Why did he do that.. how could he say that.. I thought he was my friend.. why.. he also said I'm an orphan.. and so much against my Yash.. no Yash will never do such a thing.. my Yash will never do such a thing.. how could he say that.. how could he..". Her anger flares again and she pushes all the things kept over there, that's when Yash hears the sound and finds her. She breaks down completely on seeing Yash and cries out hugging him.

She was not ready to talk about it to anyone. One thing was stuck to her mind that everyone talks wrong things about her only because she doesn't have a family, they think they can take advantage because she doesn't have anyone who would question them. She wanted to change all that, that's why she had asked Yash to marry her right then, she knew after she marries him no one would dare to say that she doesn't have a family.

Flashback ends

She was brought back to reality as the landline in her cabin rings. She picks up the phone "Hello", she hears Yash's voice from the other side "Hey wifey". She looks at the landline "Huh!! Why did you call me on the landline.. you can call my mobile na", he just chuckles "Just like that darling.. anyway let's go for lunch". She shakes her head and smiles a little thinking how he can lift her mood just with a couple of words.

Yash waits for her in the cafeteria while Unnati goes to Deepak's cabin as he was not picking her calls, he was not there in his cabin also. She asks a nurse whether she knows where Dr.Deepak is, she comes to know that he had left the hospital saying he isn't feeling well.

She goes to the cafeteria where Yash was waiting for her. He looks at her "Where is your 'baby' brother", she smiles shaking her head "Stop being jealous hubby.. and he has gone home.. he isn't feeling well probably.. something is bothering him.. he didn't even talk to me properly in the morning.. there is something he isn't telling". He looks at her "Something is bothering you also.. but even you aren't saying..", she averts her gaze elsewhere, he holds her hand "Hey I won't force you to tell.. I'm just saying if anything is really bothering him he will tell you once he is comfortable to share it". She smiles a little and nods.

Now you know what happened to Unnati and why she wanted to marry Yash all of a sudden.
It's a little emotional part but I hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading💙
Yours lovingly

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