Chapter 9

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By the evening, Akshara and Shiva were at a club waiting for Unnati, Yash, Abhishek, Ayush and Nisha. Unnati had called Akshara saying that she had reached and was not able to find them. "Where are you guys Akshu", Akshara had spotted her, she also saw Yash coming from the opposite side and her smile widens. "Babes just opposite to you...", She looks opposite to her but she couldn't see neither Akshara nor Yash "Where Akshu I'm not able to see you", "you just come in the opposite direction Unni I have seen you", she says okay and starts walking searching for Akshara and Shiva while Yash was giving the directions to Ayush on phone.

They both were about to bump into each other just then Abhi pulls away Yash before he could bump into her and she walks past him "Yash look ahead and walk na.. you would have bumped into a girl". Akshara was practically murdering Abhi in her head, Yash turns back to look at the girl but he was not able to see her properly in the crowd and he turns back. Akshara turns to Shiva and punches on his shoulder, Shiva looks at her shocked and rubs his shoulder "Ooouuuu what was that for", Akshara looks at Abhi and turns to Shiva "Because I can't punch that idiot friend of Yash.. sorry Shivu does it hurt too much", Shiva keeps looking at her "Mad woman.. you can't use me as your punching bag.. okay". She smiles looking at him and rubbing his shoulder where she punched him "Don't worry Shivu... you will get used to it".

He looks at her bewildered, giving her a 'what have I gotten myself into look', she just smiles looking into his eyes "No use thinking now Shivu you are stuck forever". Unnati had found Akshara and Shiva in the meantime, she smiles looking at her "Ahem Ahemmm love birds.. done staring into eachother's eyes or should I turn away and let you complete". Akshara smiles and hugs her "Unniiii you know you are the best baby", Unnati hugs her back and looks at Shiva and mouths 'is she drunk already', he just chuckles shaking his head.

Akshara pulls back from the hug smiling and turns Unnati around "See Yash is also here.. great.. let me call him". Unnati looks at him once taking in his appearance, he was wearing a grey coloured casual shirt with the sleeves rolled up till his elbow paired up with black jeans, his soft brown locks were falling over his forehead, he keeps trying to push them back but they keep falling over his forehead, she had an urge to run her hand in his soft locks. Hearing Akshara call him over, she comes out of her thoughts, what are doing Unni!! what the fuck are you thinking!!! why are you staring at him!!.. you are supposed to stay away from him.. you have already embarrassed yourself enough by pouring your feelings to him.. you don't need more pity and sympathy from him or anyone for that matter!!

On hearing his name, Yash looks around and finds Akshara, Unnati and Shiva together, he stops in his tracks seeing Unnati. She was wearing a simple boat neck mint green knee length floral dress, she had paired it with pearl white studs and her shoulder length hair was tied into a high pony. She gulps trying to moisten her throat which had gone dry due to his unwavering gaze. His gaze suddenly drops to her swan like neck as she gulps the lump in her throat, her breathe hitches, he realises that he is making her uncomfortable and turns away and goes near Abhi. What the fuck Yash!! Why do you end up staring at her and making her uncomfortable.. she is beautiful❤️... You have seen beautiful women before also.. but she is different.. I have never seen anyone fighting so much for someone else's happiness.. She has so much pain held inside her yet she smiles like nothing has happened.. she is like no woman I have ever seen.

He was in his thoughts when Abhi keeps calling him, when he doesn't respond Abhi shouts in his ears "Yashhh" startling him and bringing him out of his thoughts. Yash looks at him shocked "What the hell Abhi!!", Abhi looks at him "Finally you responded", Akshara and Shiva chuckle to themselves looking at him while Unnati keeps looking everywhere but at Yash fidgeting with her hands. Abhi introduces himself to Akshara, Shiva and Unnati, and Yash introduces them to Abhi. Abhi had gone out on an emergency during the marriage so he had not seen Unnati. Abhi whispers to Yash "Oh so she is your Atom bomb", Yash gives him one sharp look "Shut up".

Soon Ayush and Nisha also arrive, they pull them all to the dance floor, Yash refuses to go to the dance floor, Ayush shakes his head "Don't mind him guys.. he's always boring". Yash goes to the drinks section and orders a mocktail for himself. A fast song keeps playing and Unnati keeps moving to the song without a care in the world along with Nisha and Akshara. Yash's eyes keeps following Unnati, she was smiling and giggling while dancing with them, her smile brings a smile on his face, she is cute when she smiles.. but more cuter when she is angry and her little pink nose turns red.

He keeps smiling looking at her, when he sees many guys staring at her, he had the sudden urge to give them all a black eye and hide her in his arms. He goes to the dance floor glaring at all the men who were gawking at her. Abhi looks at Yash shocked, he goes near Yash "Yash you... on the dance floor", Yash looks at him "So can't I come to the dance I banned or what", Abhi looks at him smirking "Yeah yeah ofcourse.. you would want to come to the dance floor now... Your atom bomb is here na". Yash glares at him, seriously Yash!! Dancing!! since when did you start dancing Yash!!.. umm I don't know... I'm being stupid.. I should go back. He was about to turn and go back when Ayush and Shiva pull him into the dance floor "Now that you have come you are not going", Ayush laughs "What a surprise it is seeing you on the dance floor Yash", Yash glares at Ayush.

Abhi chuckles "Come on Yash dance bro", Yash keeps glaring at him "Shut up". Yash was about to go back when Akshara bumps with Unnati and pushes her towards Yash, she was about to fall but Yash catches her. She had closed her eyes expecting a fall but when she feels two arms snaking around her waist she opens her eyes abruptly only to meet Yash's eyes. Akshara shus the others away from them "our work here is done let's go", Ayush keeps looking at them confused "What", Nisha hits her head "Tubelight", Ayush looks at her "Next time you call me tubelight Nishi I won't let you sleep the whole night". Nisha blushes and smacks Ayush's head while Abhi, Akshara and Shiva chuckle looking at them. "You are Tubelight only Ayush.. look at them.. now also you can't understand... Have you seen Yash so lost in any girl", realisation dawns upon Ayush "Oh.. ohhhh... Okay I accept I was being a tubelight... Shit!! How did I not notice this", Nisha laughs "Because you are a tubelight my dear husband".

Unnati keeps looking into his walnut brown eyes, he makes her stand properly, he too keeps looking into her olive black eyes which keeps shining in the dim lighting "You should be careful.. what if you fall", she keeps looking deeper into his eyes "You will catch me na". The fast song changes into a soft and slow one and he pulls her closer "Yeah but what if I'm not there", she keeps looking at him "I know you will always be there". His eyes drop to her lips, her shiny lipgloss keeps pulling him towards them like a magnet, she felt like all the air had left her lungs as he pulled her further closer, she takes deep breaths trying to fill her lungs with much needed oxygen but they just keep rushing out the moment they enter as his breath keeps fanning on her face, her heart goes haywire as he pulls her closer and his gaze keeps switching between her eyes and lips.

Godd!! What is he doing... my heart will fail if he keeps doing this.. Don't worry Unni if you have a heart failure because of him he will himself treat you... Remember he is a cardiologist.. umm yeah that too one of the best as said by Deepu.. a very handsome one that too... Is he going to do what I'm thinking he is going to do😳.. stop him Unni... Everything is going too fast!! Her thoughts come to a halt when his right hand trails over her left arm reaching her cheeks, she keeps looking at him shocked, her eyes widening to the size of saucers.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
What do you think should be the couple name for Yash and Unnati🤔
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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