Chapter 8

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Akshara's dad was still not completely ready to accept Shiva but her mother stood against her husband and sent Akshara along with Shiva. Akshara was happy that atleast her mother understood her emotions. She left to Shiva's home hoping that her dad too will understand them soon. Once they reach Shiva's home they were welcomed with all the love by his family. Akshara was happy seeing the love Shiva's family were pouring on her. She was taken to Shiva's room and left there to freshen up. Soon Shiva also goes into his room, Akshara comes out after freshening up to see Shiva waiting for her. As soon as she sees him she runs to him and hugs him "I'm so happy Shiva.. we are married... I just hope just like Maa dad will also understand us soon", he smiles hugging her back "Yeah I hope so too.. all thanks to Unnati, Ayush and Yash".

She comes out of the hug "About Unnati.. Shiva we need organise a small thank you party", he looks at her confused "Why Akshu". She winks at him "My babes is falling for someone.. I disturbed her moment with her someone because of my urgency.. so we need to create many for them". He chuckles looking at her "Who is this someone of your babes?", She looks at him "Yash", he looks at her shocked "Yash and Unnati... I did not think about this... Let's throw a thank you party for them then", she smiles and looks at him "Tomorrow?", He too smiles "Sure".

The next day, there was complete ruckus in the media and newspaper saying that Yash was cheated, his fiancee got married to someone, some even said that he cheated her so she got married to someone else. People kept on calling him and his family to know what happened, he didn't feel like staying at home anymore and decided to go to the hospital. His friend Abhi was also here as he had come for the marriage, Yash goes to his room "I'm going to the hospital.. are you coming?", Abhi looks at him "Are you sure you want to go to the hospital in this ruckus that has been created", Yash looks at him "It's better than sitting here and doing nothing", Abhi nods and accompanies him to the hospital.

The media had put out his pictures so people came to know that he is Yash Chakravarthy, even in the hospital people kept bugging him and asking him about his marriage. He gets irritated and goes to the cafeteria, Abhi also joins him "Don't mind them..", Yash looks at him "I don't understand Abhi.. why can't everyone mind their own business...why poke their noses into others life.. what I do is my concern not any of theirs". Yash and Abhi were talking with eachother and walking that they don't look ahead, a girl who was talking on phone and carrying two coffee cups bumps into them spilling the coffee on them.

"Unnatiii" Yash turns to the girl calling her name but it wasn't her, it was someone else. The girl mumbles a 'Sorry' and Yash too mumbles a 'Sorry' to her and she leaves from there, Yash was reminded of his and Unnati's second meet in the hospital when the girl bumped into him.

Flashback begins,

Yash had to come to the hospital again the next day as he wanted to run some tests for the patient. After running the tests he was on his was to the cafeteria while on phone with his mother informing her that he might be late for lunch. On the other side, Unnati and Deepak were going out of the cafeteria talking to eachother and Unnati was carrying a tea for herself. She was busy talking to Deepak and was walking without looking ahead while Yash was on phone, they bump into eachother spilling the tea that Unnati was holding. The tea spills on both of them, Unnati was trying to wipe off the tea stain from her salwar "Can't you look ahead and walk", Yash cuts the call and looks at her "Can't you do the same".

She glares at him "I was talking to Deepu", he too glares at her "I was on a call". They both keep glaring at each other while Deepak tries to calm her down "It's okay baby.. it's our mistake also... let's go na.. it's getting late..", she gives him one sharp look and he shuts up "Everytime he is on call.. why does he come to the hospital if he has to be on call all the time". He too keeps glaring "So can't you see ahead and walk.. I could be on an urgent call.. and see what you have done to my white shirt", She was shooting daggers "Excuse me.. even I'm wearing white and you have stained my white top too.. and always he has to bump into me.. doesn't he get anyone else to bump into".

He was fuming "Huh!! You are talking as if I'm dying to bump into you... Shut up okay.. it's not like I enjoy talking to you.. it's more of a torture... I should talk to people who have a civilized manner of talking.. you can never talk in a civilized manner to anyone". Deepak goes near Yash and whispers to him "Dr.Yash yaar please don't.. you are awakening the dino🦖 in her... It's very hard to calm her down after that.. you will go yaar... I need to face the consequences". Yash huffs "She irritates the hell out of me with just one sentence she speaks.. what can I do", She keeps looking at both of them "What are you both whispering?", Deepak looks at her panicking "Nothing dino.. (he mutters to himself) shitt!! why can't I control my mouth.. (turns to her) ummm.. I.. I meant Unni".

She glares at Deepak hearing him call her Dino, Deepak keeps his mouth shut after that and she turns to Yash who was looking at her and Deepak amused "Why are you looking like that.. I'm not some joker that you are looking at me like that", Yash looks at her "Well a dinosaur is actually better that you.. atleast it won't open it's mouth to argue like you", saying this he leaves from there and goes inside the cafeteria. Unnati stands there burying Deepak six feet under the ground with her glares while he keeps hitting his head thinking how to control the upcoming storm.

Flashback ends.

He smiles remembering her, Abhi looks at him "Who is Unnati", Yash shakes his head "atom bomb.. now come", Abhi looks at Yash confused "What atom bomb". Yash smiles "Don't worry.. you are here for sometime right you will see... She will be here only somewhere probably fighting and arguing with someone.. and also you can see her when we go to meet Akshara and Shiva in the evening", Abhi nods but was still looking at Yash amused. Yash goes to get coffee for them while Abhi was wondering, Am I dreaming!! Yash is talking about a girl... Like really.. Unnati is a girl right🙄... Must be he said 'She'.. I need to make sure I'm not dreaming, he pinches himself "Ouucchh I'm not dreaming", that means he really spoke about a girl... Woah nice improvement.. I really want to see this atom bomb of his.. if she works in the hospital why wait till evening... Let me ask him now itself.

Yash comes back with two coffees, he was searching for Unnati in the cafeteria but she was nowhere, Deepak was sitting alone sipping his tea. His legs take him near Deepak, he wanted to ask about her to him but then he dismisses his thoughts and was about to go back to the table where Abhi was sitting when Deepak notices him. "Dr.Yash.. Hey.. you here.. I thought you won't come to the hospital for a few days with everything that happened.. Unnati told me how you helped her friend... You are great yaar", he just smiles and was about to turn to leave but his mind kept bugging him to ask about her. In the end he gives in and asks about her "Where is She", Deepak looks at him "Unnati.. there are new people joining their office so she won't come to the hospital for a couple of days as they need to be trained on what needs to be done", Yash nods "Okay".

He goes back to the table where Abhi was sitting, Abhi looks at him "Where is your Atom bomb", Yash looks at him "firstly She isn't anything 'mine'.. she is probably someone else's.. and she isn't here today", Abhi keeps looking at him amused as a distant expression get occupied on his face "And that bothers you!". Yash gives him a sharp look "Why would it bother me", Abhi chuckles to himself "I was just kidding Yash.. don't take it seriously yaar", Yash shakes his head and continues to drink his coffee looking elsewhere while Abhi keeps looking at him smiling, it bothers you Yash.. you are just not ready to accept.. Now I'm really curious to know about this girl who is bothering this great workaholic cardiologist who keeps saying 'I don't have time for women'.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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