Chapter 31

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A week later, Yash and Ayush had found the whereabouts of the girl and the one who had deleted the footage. It was one of their security staff who had deleted the footage as it was him who took Yash to the room where the girl was present. He didn't want to get caught hence he had deleted the footage. Ayush and Yash were going to meet the girl today with the address they had got of her.

Unnati on the other hand was trying to reach Deepak still. Not having anymore patience she had gone to Karthikeyan Mansion 2 days back. She knew Deepak's father never liked her but his mother would always talk to her. She had met his mother and asked her about Deepak, his mother was hesitant but she told her his address. Unnati had gone there last evening but it was locked, so she wanted to check today also.

She goes to the address given by Deepak's mom, today it was not locked. She rings the bell and soon Deepak opens the door, he was shocked seeing Unnati but let's her in. She keeps glaring at him as soon as enters the house "Why Deepak.. why did you do all this". He looks at her and indicates her to sit down "Sit down.. I'll tell you everything". She keeps glaring at him angrily but nevertheless sits down, he brings water and gives it to her, she just keeps glaring at him so he just puts it on the table "You will need it.."

He sits down next to her "There is something you didn't know about me Unnati.. I don't live with my parents and brother in Mr.Karthikeyan's mansion since the past 3 years.. that's why I didn't take you home many times.. I was fed up of Mr.Karthikeyan and my elder brother Deepan's wrong deeds.. deceitful deeds to come up in business.. I tried making them understand but they never listened.. so I moved out of the house.. Mom was the only reason I used to go to that house"

Unnati looks at him "But why..", He looks at her and smiles a little "You know why I call you baby.. why I say you are my baby sis.. because I had one.. though not exactly a younger a sister.. well we were twins.. her name was Dharshana.. my dharshu.. my baby.. her nature.. she was an angry bird like you.. her love for food.. her will to be independent was exactly like you.. everything was fine till Mr.Karthikeyan and Deepan kept their deeds to their business and not bring it in the family.. though I stopped talking to them long back.. but then one day they brought a proposal for Dharshu.. she had just completed her BBA and started doing MBA just then.. she was completely against it and so was I..

But they sweet talked her into meeting the man once.. I was still against it but she told me she will handle it.. I don't know what happened that when she came back after meeting the man she said yes to the marriage.. when I asked her she just said.. he is a good man and he would take care of her well.. I was still skeptical.. but she was happy so I didn't say anything.. their marriage was fixed just a week later.. the wedding happened smoothly.. but a month later I came to know that it was a business deal that they had done.. and that's why the man got married to her.. I told her all about it.. she told me she knew and she disconnected the call.. she stopped talking to me.. I tried to meet her but she didn't agree.. I even went to her in-laws house.. she just spoke to me for a few minutes and sent me back saying she is fine..

Six months later to that my.. my baby.. my Dharshu died.. later, I came to know she was in depression because that man never treated her right.. she died of overdose of the medication.. it was all because of Mr.Karthikeyan's stupid deal.. I lost my sister.. I'm also to blame here.. I shouldn't have stopped trying to talk to her just because she wasn't responding.. maybe.. maybe if I had understood what she was going through at that time this wouldn't have happened.. she would have been with me.. she would have been alive..". Tears pour out of his eyes, Unnati's eyes well up hearing him. She wipes his tears and makes him drink water, he leans into her shoulder "It's okay Deepu.. you did your best.. shh don't cry.. sometimes it's not in our hand.. whatever happens.. I'm sure she would be happy wherever she is right now".

He wipes his tears and sits up and continues "I thought Mr.Karthikeyan would stop after this.. but he didn't.. that was my breaking point.. I couldn't stay in that house after that.. I shifted here.. I asked Mom to also come with me but she was not ready to leave her husband and come.. I was fine on my own.. I would go to meet Maa only.. I thought my mom would never support him even though she couldn't stay away from her husband.. but then she too proved me wrong in Yash's case.. I don't hide anything from mom and I was so happy that you got Dr.Yash with you.. I had told her all about you both..

The day before Dr.Yash's birthday.. Mom called me to the Mansion saying she isn't well.. I had rushed to her.. when I reached there I saw her hyperventilating.. She was also feeling dizzy.. I told her to sit down so that I could check her.. but she wasn't listening to me.. she just told me that I need to promise something to her.. take it even as her last wish.. I couldn't see her like that.. I had already lost my sister.. I didn't want to loose my mom so promised her I will do whatever she wants.. as soon as I promised her she was fine.. she.. she tricked me.. she was acting.. I was shocked.. she said I have to do what I promised her.. I was really irritated that she would such a thing to get a promise from me.. but then she said that if I don't do whatever she tells me to she will harm herself..

I didn't know what she wanted but when I came to know she wanted me to do I was left baffled and perplexed.. she wanted me to show Yash with a girl.. not you.. some other girl.. so that people get a bad image of the Chakravarthy's.. which will put their reputation and business at stake and flourish Mr.Karthikeyan's..". Unnati was shocked "Why..", he looks at her "They are rivals Unnati.. and Mr.Karthikeyan's business is pretty down right now.. they thought once the reputation of Chakravarthy's has been spoiled it will bring them their much needed investors and their hotels will flourish.. but they don't understand that the respect and trust that the Chakravarthy's have gained is immense.. and not through deceitful deeds like them"

He shakes his head thinking about his dad and brother "I don't think they will ever understand.. Anyway.. I refused Mom.. how could I do that to him.. he is a good man and on top of it you love him.. I couldn't.. so I said no.. Mom started emotionally blackmailing me.. I couldn't loose my mom Unnati.. I'm sorry.. I had to agree to her.. but after that day I stopped talking to my mom also.. she was only Mrs.karthikeyan.. on the day of the hospital's 10th anniversary everything was in place.. the girl.. the waiter with the spiked drink for Yash.. I kept avoiding you because I couldn't look at you or talk to you with the feeling of guilt inside me.. the guilt inside me was eating me alive.. I was not able to handle.. I was trying hard not to stop the plan.. but in the end when you said you both got married all hell broke loose for me..

I had only one thought in my mind.. I shouldn't let anything happen.. I tried calling Mom because only she knew the contact of the waiter and the girl but she didn't pick up.. that's why I didn't let Yash go anywhere alone.. I tried everything in me to keep him away from those people's eyes and eventually the party also ended.. and I thought now everything's is okay.. I had told them that if anything is done it should be before the party ends.. but what I didn't know was that Mr.Karthikeyan went one step ahead told them that this should be done at any cost..

when you told me Yash had an emergency I panicked if something had happened.. also because of the promise I couldn't tell you anything at the time.. but then when I came to know there is an actual emergency in the hospital I relaxed.. I went to the hospital but Yash wasn't there.. I was informed that there were two emergencies so I thought he will be with the other patient.. once my work was over I left for home.. but when I switched on the TV in the morning the news shocked me.. I went to that house and I came to know this.. also that when the girl or the waiter are found they will utter my name only..

I.. I couldn't face you or him after that.. and I also knew that you both will find out.. see you are here..". He looks at her and holds her hand "I know you cannot forgive me for whatever I did.. I'm sorry baby.. if possible.. even if there is a slightest chance that you will forgive me.. I'll be the happiest.. I'm really really sorry". Her palms were getting wet with his tear while she was sitting shocked at how low someone could go to spoil someone's hard earned respect.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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