Chapter 7

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The marriage was completed, the bride and groom were asked to take blessings from elders. Once the couple was done getting blessings from the elders Yash comes to the stage, seeing Yash coming to the stage just then Akshara's parents and all the guests were shocked. The veil of the groom was removed and Akshara's parents came to know that she married Shiva. Akshara's father was fuming, he thought it's all Unnati's plan and goes to her "What the hell is all this Unnati.. I thought you understood that it's better if Akshara marries Yash.. why did you do this.. you promised that you won't tell anyone about her and Shiva... Why did you do this now", Unnati looks at him "I'm sorry uncle but some promises are meant to be broken.. you were spoiling three lives and I cannot sit quietly and see that.. Shiva isn't that bad uncle he can take care of Akshu.. and she will be happy being with him.. had she married Yash you would have been the first person to regret that you snatched your daughter's happiness from her.. it's better this way.. it may take time for you to accept Shiva but I'm sure seeing Akshu happy with him you will accept them".

People started gossiping and Akshara's father's anger was flaring up hearing Unnati "You ruined mine and my family's reputation in front of so many people.. you know how hard it is to maintain the reputation of the family after gaining it.. but why would you care... You think after her marrying this guy people will respect me.. there will be any respect for my family.. huh!! Who am I talking to about a family... How would you know what a family and family's respect is when you don't have one". Yash was shocked hearing that, tears well up in Unnati's eyes hearing Akshara's father's words, his words pierce her heart and she leaves from there wiping her tears.

Akshara's eyes also well up with tears hearing her father, she goes and stands in front of him "You know what dad... You can never understand her... She knows what a family is more than you.. had it not been for her you wouldn't have me standing here talking to you... Had she not been there your so called reputation and respect would have been tarnished long back.. because I wanted to run away.. run away from the cage you had kept me in.. I would have if she didn't make me understand..", Akshara wipes her tears which were flowing and smiles "You know what she told me.."

Flashback begins,

A week before the wedding,

Unnati was sitting on Akshara's bed while Akshara was moving around in a tensed state "Akshu stop.. come sit down.. don't behave like a mad person... running away is definitely not the solution baby", Akshara gives her a sharp look "Then what do you expect me to do.. sit here and marry the guy my dad brings in", Unnati makes Akshara sit down "Look Akshu family is everything and parents are always above all.. they may be strict at times and sometimes they may not understand you but that doesn't mean you should run away from them.. they do care for you... It's just that Uncle is too concerned about you.. you have been living here like a princess and he must be scared right how you will be able to adjust with Shiva... Don't think about running away and hurting the people who love you the most.. think how it would hurt your mom and dad when they realise that their daughter who they love dearly ran away leaving them behind for some guy...

This is would just increase their hatred towards Shiva... Don't take this step Akshu... We will figure out a way but running away is not the solution..", Akshara looks at her "But Unni dad is not at all ready to accept Shiva.. he said he will never let me get married to Shiva... I cannot marry someone else Unni.. I cannot.. please let me go.. dad doesn't love me yaar.. if he did he would have accepted Shiva atleast for my happiness". Tears fall from Akshara's eyes, Unnati wipes them off "You think you can live peacefully with after leaving from here... I know Shiva's parents would support you guys but don't you think you would miss them.. there would be days when you would just want to run into you dad's embrace or snuggle into your mom's lap.. at times like that what would you do.. I know how it feels Akshu... I don't want you to go through the same.. so please listen to me.. talk it out if not fight for what you want but don't leave.. that's the only thing I would say.. it's just this situation that makes you think they don't love you.. has this thought ever occurred to you at any other time (Akshara shakes her head).. they do love you.. and I promise you that I will make him understand", Akshara looks at Unnati "Promise", She smiles and nods.

(This is my point of view that running away leaving everything and everyone behind is not the solution for anything. Not meant to offend or oppose anyone's opinion)

Flashback ends.

Akshara looks at her father "You think she doesn't know what a family is.. then trust me dad neither do you.. and what respect and reputation are you talking about.. just because Shiva isn't a businessman like you or the Chakravarthy's doesn't mean he or his family doesn't have any respect or reputation in the society.. but no reputation is above happiness dad.. and if you are talking about people's gossip that's always going to be there no matter what you do... And anyway this wasn't Unni's plan.. this was all planned by Ayush Anna and executed by Yash.. they know everything.. my Unni kept her promise which she had made to me that she would talk to Yash and make sure I get married to Shiva". Her dad was looking at her shocked and then turns to Yash's father even more shocked when he came to know that they knew all this.

Shiva goes near Akshara trying to console her and wipe her tears "It's okay Akshu calm down.. go to Unnati.. she needs you", Akshara leaves from there and he turns to Akshara's dad "I'm sorry sir I had to marry her this way.. without your permission but I really do love her and I will take care of her to the best of my ability.. I promise you that.. I don't know if you will ever be able to accept me but I'll keep trying to gain your trust". He turns to Yash's family and joins his hands in front of them "Thank you so much for uniting me with Akshara.. I will never forget this.. thank you so much", they just smile, he leaves from there and goes after Akshara to search for Unnati.

Yash's father goes near Akshara's dad "Venkat you may have been worried for your daughter and took this decision of getting her married to my Yash.. but when the kids are not happy what's the point of any of this.. think about it Venkat and accept Shiva.. he's a good man.. he will definitely take care of your daughter.. think about it". The guests were still gossiping, they could hear the hush hush sounds everywhere, he turns to the guests "If you are done with the gossiping you can leave show is over", the guests also leave from there.

Unnati had run out of the marriage hall, tears falling from her eyes, she keeps running in her saree, people on the roads look at her as if she has gone crazy, she was about to slip and fall when someone holds her and pulls her into his chest, she breaks down completely sitting on her knees in the middle of the footpath, she keeps holding the person's shirt and crying "why did they both leave me here.. haan they should have taken me with them... I hate it.. I hate being here all alone.. I hate it when people say I don't have a family🥺... Especially the people who I consider my family.. It's not my fault right", the person keeps cooing her to calm her down "Shh it's okay.. don't cry... I'm right here.. it's okay let it out".

She was feeling a bit calm in the warm embrace but her tears kept pouring "I considered him like my dad and he.. he said I don't have a family... I know how it is staying without anyone.. I didn't want Akshu to also go through with that.. that's why I wanted to stop this wedding.. I'm so stupid na I thought them to be my family... He's right I don't have any family.. it's my bad luck that I don't have anyone to call as my own", he cups her face and makes her look at him, looking at the person's face reality dawns upon her, she realises she was pouring her feelings to Yash. Yash had run out after her as soon he saw the tears in her eyes, he tries wiping her tears looking into her eyes but it kept pouring so much that his own eyes were turning glassy, they hear a voice from behind Yash "Who told you that you don't have anyone to call as your own... I'm there na your Akshu.. your soul sister.. that's what you call me right.. I know what dad spoke hurt you a lot but that doesn't cut off my relationship with you right.. I'm sorry on his behalf Unni".

Yash blinks off his tears as she goes near them, she turns to Yash "Thank you Yash.. for being with her.. I will take care of her.. I think your family is waiting", Yash nods and leaves from there half heartedly looking at Unnati who's eyes were still drizzling with occasional tears. Akshara makes her stand "Come let's also go..", Yash keeps glancing back at Unnati and Akshara notices that as Unnati also keeps looking at him. Something is going on between these two.. hmmm probably yes.. didn't you see how he was holding her that too in the middle of the road... stupid girl you broke their moment.. shit!! no worries when Akshu is here.. if I broke one moment I'll create many for them, she was grinning thinking about them.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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