~Chapter Fourteen: The Appointment~

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Ever since I got my test results back, I've been avoiding going back to the doctors. If I'm being honest, I convinced myself that this wasn't real. That I'm not really pregnant. But it's now at a point where I can no longer deny the truth.

My clothes are barely fitting, and my baby bump is fairly noticeable. A few days ago, I finally answered the OBGYN'S call and made an appointment.

Much to my dismay, today is the day of my appointment.

"Ms. Adams!" A nurse calls me, snapping me from my thoughts, "Andy Adams?"

"That's me!" I shoot up from my seat and walk over to her.

"Follow me, we have a room ready for you." She leads me down the hall, into a small waiting room. After she takes my height, temperature, and weight, she leaves me alone in the room. "The doctor will be right with you." I let out a sigh as she closes the door.

I try my best not to stress out, as I wait for the doctor. Fifteen minutes go by before the door finally opens.

"Andy," I look up to see the OBGYN. "I was worried that you wouldn't come back." She grabs my chart and sits down next to me.

"Yea," I say nervously, "I just needed some time to process everything."

"Most people in your situation would," she says. "Have you decided what you're going to do?"

My heart skips a beat, at her question. What was I going to do? I've spent so much time avoiding even thinking about it, that I haven't even decided if I'm going to keep it or not.

"I-" I pause. "I still don't know."

"That's ok," she says comfortingly. "Maybe the ultrasound will help you decide."

She puts on gloves and turns on a machine. "Ultrasound?" I ask.

"Yes, today's going to be your first one, correct?" She asks grabbing a bottle.

"Yes, I've never had one."

"Don't worry it's quick," she says. "Just lay down, and pull up your shirt so we can get started.

I hesitantly nod and lay down. "This may be cold," she says, before squirting a clear liquid on my stomach. I flinch, as it touches my skin. She grabs what I assume to be the camera, and places it on my stomach. She moves it around a bit, before stopping.

"Oh, I found it." She says, motioning towards the screen next to me. "Everything looks to be normal," she moves it around a bit. "Would you like to know the gender?"


~Time Skip~

I let out a sigh, as I walk out of the clinic. There's really something living inside me...

I pull out my phone, to call Melissa, and I see one missed call, from my mom...

I nervously listen to the voice message. "Andy, did you really think I wouldn't find out?" My eyes widen. "I know you're pregnant. How could you do this to us? The election has just begun! I can't believe you'd be so irresponsible-" I turn off the voice message before she can finish.

"Fuck!" I scream in anger, almost throwing my phone. "What am I supposed to do now..." A tear splashes down on my phone-screen, making me realize that I'm crying.

Without thinking, I go to Jake's contact and click the call button. It rings three times before someone picks up. "Hello?" Samantha asks.

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