~Chapter Six: Suspended~

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It's been three weeks since the fight, and I'm suspended until further notice. Melissa hasn't talked to me since the fight, she's mad because apparently, I have "Anger issues," which is kind of right but still.

I've been sick for a while, and I'm going to the doctors today it's probably just the flu.

I got on my motorcycle that Jake returned after the fight, and headed there.

~At the doctor's office~

Once I got there I went to the receptionist, "Hello, I have an appointment." I said as she set down her phone and looked up at me clearly annoyed.

"Name?" she asked.

"Andy," I said.

"Sit over there and the doctor will be right with you in a moment," she said pointing at the waiting area.

I sat down and waited for them to call my name.

"Andy Adams," The doctor called my name.

I got up and followed her to the doctor's office, I sat down and looked around nervously.

"So Andy, what's wrong?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"I've been vomiting a lot," I said.

"Have you had a fever?" she asked, "Or any other symptoms?"

No, not really." I said.

"Ok. are you sexually active?" she asked.

"Yah," I said as she wrote something down, I stared at her nervously.

"Ok, we're going to do a few tests," she said as I nodded.

~After the tests~

"So well have the test results back by next week," she said as I got up and put my jacket back on.

"Ok thank you," I said, "But what exactly were the tests for?"

"There's a chance that you may be pregnant," she said looking at me with slight concern in her eyes.

The ride home I kept trying to convince myself that there was no way I could be pregnant I mean I'm on the pill, and then I remembered when I found the picture on his phone.

Did I take them? I think I did, I know I was about to.

But there's a chance I didn't I don't remember if I did or didn't.

"Fuck!" I screamed kicking my bike.

I tried to calm down and I went inside, I sat on the couch and sighed and debated on whether or not to try and call Melissa.

I sighed and clicked the call button, "This is Melissa, leave a message at the beep." her voice mail picked up, "Beep." I sighed and hung up.

~One Week Later~

I went downstairs and got the mail, I flipped through them until I found the one from the doctor's office, I went inside and debated on opening it or not.

"It's ok Andy relax everything's going to be fine," I said trying to convince myself that I'd be fine.

I sighed and opened it, "Well here goes nothing.." I tore it open and took the paper out. I quickly skimmed through it until I got to the results.

"The tests have shown that the patient is pregnant," I reread the sentence over and over in my head.

I slid down against the door frame, trying to wrap my head around what I just read. I grabbed my phone and called Melissa.

"Andy, I told you not to call me until you fixed your anger problems," she said.

"I-I know and im sorry it's just," I said in between sobs.

"Andy whats wrong??!" she asked.

"Melissa I'm pregnant.," I said crying harder.

"Don't worry Andy, calm down im on my way!" she said as she hung up and bolted to her car.

I scrolled through my contacts and went to Jakes, I hovered over the message button debating on whether to text him or not.

I sighed and said, "Hey, I know you're mad about Samantha and I'm not really sorry about the fight, she kind of deserved it.."

I deleted the message and typed up a somewhat nicer one.

"I just thought you should know that I'm pregnant with your child.."

I sighed and sent the message and waited for Melissa to come...

~A few hours later~

Andy!" I shot up and heard Melissa screaming and banging on my front door, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time it was 3 am, "Fuck" I muttered under my breath I must have fallen asleep I ran downstairs and opened the door and I was immediately met with a bear hug from Melissa, "I'm so sorry for ignoring you, Andy! I should've been here for you!" she said.

"It's fine," I said and hugged her back.

"It's not!" she said, "I shouldn't have ignored you, I just didn't want to mess things up with Chase."

"How would talking to me mess thing's up with Chase?" I asked as she came inside and sat on my couch.

"Samantha's his cousin..." she said as I heard another knock at the door.

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