~Chapter Three: Punshimeant~

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"Open the fucking door!" I wake up to banging on my door. "Uhg," I roll over and see it's only 8 am "Who would come this earlyyy" I sigh as it finally stops "They finally went away" I smile and curl back up into my blanket.

"Ow," I wake back up to a loud bang and someone screaming, I get up and look for the where the sound is coming from, I hear another noise coming from the window in the living room, and me being the dumb bitch that I am I follow it.

"Who's there?" I ask as if it was a murder that just broke into my home, we'd just sit down and have tea. Note: If I was in a horror movie I'd be the dumb ass you yell to get out the fucking room. But you know what, she's a dumb ass so she doesn't listen. What a great way to describe myself

"Boo!" he jumped up from behind me and I punched him in the nose.

~10 long minutes later~

"Ow!" Jake streaked as I threw the bag of ice into his lap, "Did you really have to punch me in the nose princess," he said, "I think it's broken."

"Maybe if you didn't break into my house I wouldn't have!" I yelled as I sat down and turned on the light.

"Fine, point taken I'll knock next time ok?" he answered.

"Maybe you should do it all the time," I said in a clearly pissed off tone "do you break into everyone's house or just mine?"

"Nope, you're special princess." He smirked.

"Oh, lucky me," I said sarcastically as I opened the door hinting for him to leave, "Can you leave now I'm going back to bed."

He stood up and closed the door, "Nope today were going on a date!" he said pushing me up the stairs.

"What do you mean by date!" I shrieked as the realization of what he said sank in.

"That's your punishment princess~, " he smirked, "Well more like your dream come true."

"The only time you're in my dreams your dead, " I said as I slammed my bedroom door.

"And don't forget to wear something sexy, " he said as I opened the door and threw a pillow in his face.

"Pervert!" I screamed and closed the door.

I got dressed and met him outside, and saw my motorcycle in the driveway I ran to it but, I was met with his chest.

"That's not what we're driving today, " he said smirking.

"We?" I said questionably, "I'm driving."

"My car, " he said and opened the driver's seat to it and hoped in.

"You could at least open the door for me on our so-called date," I said under my breath yet the serpent still somehow heard it as I got in the passenger's seat.

"If you have a car, " I asked, "why do you need my motorcycle?"

"Maybe I just like messing around with you, " he said smirking as we pulled off.

~1 long hour later~

"Uhgggg, " I whined, "we've been in here for hours."

"Calm down, " he said slightly irritated due to my winning for the past hour, "where almost there."

"You said that an hour ago, " I said debating on jumping out the window and ending it all now due to how bored I was.

"Yep, " he said, even more, annoyed this time, "And we're even closer now." he sighed as I played with the window button "only 20 more minutes and well be there."

~20 minutes later~

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" I repeated for around 20 minutes or so.

"Yes!" he screamed pulling up to the parking lot of what looked to be a carnival.

"Finally!" I said stretching as I got out of the car, "That took so long!"

"I know" he sighed, "It felt like an eternity with your winning."

He got out of the car and closed the door, "On the way back to me a favor and sleep." he said clearly annoyed still.

"Way ahead of you, " I said picking up my bag as we ventured forth to the ticket booth.

"Ok what do you wanna do first?" he asked as I ran to the games. "I guess you already decided."

"I want the turtle!" I shrieked as he came up to the booth.

"The turtle really?" he said, "Why not the bear or something?"

"Turtles are my favorite animals, " I said glaring at him, "Witch you would know if you weren't constantly arguing with me everytime we talk."

"Ugh fine," he sighed giving in. "Two tickets please."

~One long hour later and 100 dollars down the drain~

"YAY!" I screamed as the lady at the booth gave me the turtle and a bear which I so graciously won him.

"Here, " I said handing him the turtle, "His name is bob take very good care of him."

"Thanks, " he said snickering as I ran to the cotton candy.

"One cotton candy please," I said as the man handed me it.

"Cotton Candy?" he said, "You're going to get sick if you eat that before we go on any rides."

Note: He was right! But you know what I did not listen! Great past me just great.

"I'll be fine," I said stuffing my face as he looked down at me sighing, "Oh did you want some."

"I just told you not to eat it what makes you think I would want any!" he said.

"I dunno, " I said as I continued to eat, "Maybe you like cotton candy like any normal person."

"I-" he started before I cut him off "Let's go on that!" I said pointing to the Farris wheel.

"Come on," I said as I dragged him on.

After we got our cotton candy I saw a beer cart and made him go buy me some.

~One Ferris wheel and around 20 roller coaster later~

"This is what you get for eating all of that, and drinking," he said holding my hair as I continued to puke into the trash can.

"Come on let's go home, " he said as I finally stopped.

~One long as car ride later~

"Ok we're here," he said looking down at me sleeping.

"Ugh your so much work, " he sighed picking me up and bringing me to my bed, after once again breaking into my window.

"Night, " he said as he threw me on the bed.

"Don't leave, " a half-asleep me said dragging him into bed with me! And you should be able to guess what happened next.

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