~Chapter Eight: School's Back in Session~

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It's been a month since I was suspended. Today's my first day back, as well as Evan's first day back, since he went to juvie. He insisted on going back to school, on the same day as me, so that we could be what Melissa would call a "power team." I get out of the shower, and search through my closet for the perfect first day of school outfit. After about ten minutes, I finally find it. It was a little more girly than what I usually wear, but at least it had some black in it. I hear a loud knock from downstairs, I quickly grab my backpack, and open the door. Evan, and Melissa were here to pick me up, "What the hell took you so long," Evan whined as we walked, to the car, and I hop in the front seat next to him. I haven't ridden my motorcycle since Jake returned it. We haven't talked since then either, although he did butt dial me a few weeks ago, but I didn't have my phone, at the time.

~Last Month~

I woke up, and looked around, Melissa and Evan were asleep on my bedroom floor, they were hungover, so I tried my best to walk around them. I walked downstairs to look for my phone, and when I finally found it, in the mess that is my house, I noticed that I had a missed call from Jake. I opened the voice mail, and it wasn't an apology, that I was expecting, no hoping for. There was silence for a few minutes. And then there was moaning, he accidentally called me, while they were having sex, of all the times he had to butt dial me he had to call me then! I threw my phone at the wall, and Evan came running downstairs, and hugged me, as I started to cry. I told him what happened, and since that day he's been a little more overprotective than usual.

~Present Time~

"Andy! Where here." Evan yells, waking me up from my daydream.

"I know, I'm coming!" I say, getting out of the car, and slamming the door. We walk into school together, fashionably late as always. As soon as we walk in all eyes were on us, I guess Evan, and I, had a bit of a bad reputation now. After all, I did beat Samantha up, in front of half the school, and Evan was coming back from juvie. The first people I spot in the hallway, are Jake, Samantha, and Chase. Melissa runs over to Chase and hugs him, Evan, and I, are not far behind her.

"Tsk, here to fight me again?" Samantha asks, moving closer to Jake. I shot her a glare, "Why afraid?" I snicker.

"Come on Andy," Evan says, grabbing my arm, and trying to pull me away from them. "Let's go Melissa can meet us in class."

"Who's your new boyfriend?" Jake asks, not even bothering to look at Evan.

"That's not her boyfriend-," Melissa is cut off by me grabbing Evan, and kissing him, "Come on babe," I say, glancing at Jake, "Let's go, Melissa meet us inside the Bio room." I walk away before she can reply. Once we were far enough away, Evan, and I stop holding hands. "WTF was that Andy!" He whisper yells at me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking I just reacted." I say, defending myself. Evan stops in his tracks. "Andy, you can't just randomly kiss me like that and then say that were just friends!" He says, "It may mean nothing to you but it means something to me..." He turns around, and starts walking away, "Where are you going?" I say, grabbing his hand, "Were supposed to meet Melissa in Bio."

"Stop Andy," he says, pulling my hand away, "I just need to be alone right now!"

I let out a sigh, as I watch him walk away. I now notice all of the people staring at us. "What are you looking at!" I scream, causing the crowd to disperse. I grab my bag, off the floor and walk into the Bio room. I take my seat., and look around, I was the first person in the class. I'm sure my professor will be surprised about it, I think, taking out my phone. A message pops up on my phone, it's from Melissa.

I read the message, "Sorry Chase and I are skipping first period, I'll be back by lunchtime. Have fun with Evan. ;)"

Great so now I have to sit alone! Note the sarcasm! Well on the bright side Jake was most likely with them, so at least I won't have to see his face. I spoke too soon, Jake strolls in the classroom, with a smirk, on his face. "Where's your boyfriend?" he asks. I look up at him. "Where's your girlfriend?" I try my best to hide the fact, that I'm upset. He dose'nt answer me. "So I heard about the fight, everyone's talking about it." He says, sitting down next to me.

"I don't know what you want me to say couples fight," I say, averting my gaze. He was about to say something when Evan walks in. "Sorry this seats taken," he says, in a cold tone. Jake turns, to him.

"Heh, I was just leaving," he says, getting up. He bumps into Evan, as he walks pasted him. Evan kisses me before sitting down, next to me, "I'm sorry about earlier, babe." He says, loud enough for Jake to hear. He then whispers, in my ear, "You owe me for this." I nod in agreement, "It's ok, honey bunch." I say, kissing him on the cheek. Mentally cringe at myself. The rest of the student's come flooding into the classroom, as the bell rings. Evan, and I flirt throughout the whole period, and I can see it making Jake agitated. After Bio, we both had English. And after English, it was lunch time, my once favorite period. Now I was dreading it. I don't know what's going to happen throughout, those forty-five minutes, but I know one thing, it's going to be a disaster.

The Bad Boy Stole My MotorcycleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora