~Chapter Two: Riding to school with Mr. Jerk Face~

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"Beep beep," I woke up to my phone blowing up with calls from no one other than Mr.JerkFace, I declined his call and attempted to go back to sleep only to get another call from him "beep beep."

"Uhggg," I picked up the phone and answered "Get ready I'll be there in 15 minutes," he said then hung up. I laid back down and then I was once again woken up by his call, I answered and then he yelled in my ear "WAKE UP!" I covered my ear 'Owww" I said, "Wtf was that for??!" I 0put my ear back on the phone"I knew you were still sleeping," he said, "I'll be there in less than 10 minutes hurry up."

'Who does he think he is ordering me around like that," I mumbled and went into the bathroom.

~10 Minutes Later~

I come out of the bathroom in my towel to hear him banging on my front door "Hang on!" I scream and run to the door, I open it to him staring at me "I hope you're not going to school like that," he said getting closer to my ear "Or were you just trying to seduce me again?"

I push him away, "tsk in your dreams," I said, "Wait in the living room I'm going to get changed." I start to walk away till he grabs me and pushes me against the wall "Maybe we can be a little late," he said and started kissing up my neck "Jake stop!" I say biting my lip.

"Aw that's no fun," he says giving me a hickey, "Jake's-stop I'm serious I need to go get ready," I said as he lets me go and runs his fingers through his hair and sighs "Fine but hurry up"

I walk up to my room "Tsk Jerk he's the reason we're going to be late" I say as I get dressed I walk downstairs to see Jake leaning against the wall "Took you long enough," he said and grabbed my hand and started dragging me to MY motorcycle "Were going to be late"

"That's your fault," I said "If you don't mess around we'd be on time" he started to get on first "What are you doing?" I said. "What does it look like?" he said sarcastically as I grabbed my helmet.

"No, I'm driving," I said waiting for him to get off. Note: He did not get off!

"In your dreams princess," he said.

"Tsk fine," I said and got on, "hold on!" he said and drove off and my arms immediately wrapped around his waist on instinct. We parked in the parking lot "Wanted to hold on to me that much?" he smirked, "You know you could have just asked." I blushed and let go of him and we took off our helmets and got off the motorcycle.

"I don't," I said and held out my hand "Can I have my keys back now?" he started walking away "No I think I'll hold on to them for a little while longer," he said smirking.

"That wasn't part of the deal!" I screamed.

"Bye see you after school!" he said walking into school. "Tsk, Jerk" I tsked and walked to my first-period class that I was late to thanks to him.


Melissa sat at the lunch table as I was about to take a bite of my pizza. Note: Keyword about to.

"Are you dating Jake??" she screeched.

"No!" I said as I put down my pizza "Why do you think I am?" she put down her bag "The wholes schools talking about you riding on the back of his motorcycle" she said. Note: She said his! They think the motorcycle was his!

"You mean my motorcycle," I said, "He stole it I left my keys at his house and he won't give them back." I sighed and glanced over at him to see him smirking and staring back at me "Tsk stalker" I said and averted my eyes away from his and looked back on Melissa as he walked over.

"Hey beautiful," he smirked and sat next to me and put his arm around me and I quickly moved it off of me "Stop!" I said, "People already think we're dating don't make it worse."

"And what's so wrong with that?" he whispered getting closer to my ear, "Why don't we?" I pushed him away "Tsk in your dreams."

He got up,"Why don't you and your friend come sit at my table?" he said purposely loud enough for Melissa to hear.

"No," I said.

"Aw not even going to give me a chance?" he said teasingly, "Well if you change your mind you know where to find me." he winked and walked back to his friends.

I looked at Melissa to see her begging with her eyes and now her mouth "PLEASE ANDY!" she shouted.

"No," I said and once again reached for my pizza.

"But maybe if we sit with him he'll give you your keys back!" she said as I sighed and put my pizza back down.

Note: This was going to be painful.

Melissa basically dragged me there "Can I at least get my pizza!" I screamed as she made her way over there with me dragging along.

"No time!" she said and pushed me in front of Jake and she plopped next to Chase smiling.

"Looks like someone changed their mind," he said smirking I tsked "No Melissa dragged me here literally," I said.

"Well have a seat." he said as I looked around to see Melissa had taken the last seat "There are no more seats." I Said as his smirk got larger "There's one left" he said as he pointed to his lap.

"No way," I said as I turned on my heel and started to walk away, I could feel Melissa's puppy dog eyes boring into my soul "Don't turn around, don't turn around" I turned around.

"Please Andy," Melissa said making her eyes bigger.

"Uhg fine!" I said and sat on his lap "Don't you dare comment" I took a bit of his pizza "Hey that's mine!" he winned.

"Blame Melissa she wouldn't let me bring mine," I said as I inhaled his pizza.

"I'll have to punish you later" he whispered in my ear.

I put the rest of the pizza down "I'm suddenly not hungry anymore" I said as he laughed "Sure your not princess~"

~After School~

I walked out of school to my motorcycle to see him already waiting for me, "What took you so long?" he asked handing me my helmet.

"Some of us actually go to last period," I said and got on.

"Hold on!" he said as he pulled off and I once again put my arms around his waist than we drove to my house.

~My house~

I got off my bike and took off my helmet and so did he "What not going to invite me inside?" he asked smirking.

"Nope," I said and walked to my porch "Can I have my keys back yet?" I asked sighing as he put back on his helmet.

"Nope," he said starting my bike "See you tomorrow princess~," he said and drove off I sighed and went inside "Tsk, idoit tommorow's Saturday."

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