~Chapter Fifteen: The Baby~

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Days pass by, no maybe even weeks, I can't tell anymore. All of the days run together, I wake up, eat, go to school, come back, sleep, then I rinse and repeat. I haven't tried to contact Jake since that night, whenever I see him in the halls he's always with Samantha so I never have the chance to talk to him, to tell him the truth. And Evan avoids me like the plague, he even went as far as to transfer out of Biology. As for Mellissa, she's the only one who's stuck by my side through it all, but if she knew what happened between Evan, and me, she might not be as keen to hang out with me.

Today, like every other day, I walk into biology and sit down at my empty desk; where I wait exactly seven minutes for the teacher to begin class. Three minutes pass by, and the rest of the students begin to flood in. Along with them is Jake, he walks in just barely missing the bell as per usual. He sits down and starts texting someone, who I assume to be Samantha. He doesn't acknowledge my presence or even look in my direction. I used to catch him glancing my way every once in a while, and sometimes he'd even come up and talk to me. But after Evan, and I "broke up" he slowly began to lose interest in me again. And I became irrelevant, old news, just another girl in his class.

Forty-five minutes pass by, and I try my best to pay attention, but biology is just so boring. After a while I start to zone out, Jake gets called on, and his voice snaps me out of it.

"Jake, what do you need?" the teacher asks.

Jake puts his hand back down. "I need to use the bathroom."

The teacher lets out a sigh before giving in. "Ok, just make sure to sign out first."

He nods and gets up. He walks down to the front of the room, and signs out on the sign-out sheet, before walking out the door. After that, I go back to zoning out, and before I know it, class is already over. I pack my bag, and when I get up to leave, I notice that Jake never came back. I look down at his empty chair, to see his bag also mysteriously missing. I don't know what comes over me, but I have the sudden urge to run out the door. I know exactly where he is, where I can finally talk to him, alone.

I push past the crowd and sprint down the hallway. I bust open the door; leading outside to the parking lot, ignoring staff trying to get me to stop. I spot Jake's car in the distance, I drop my bag and run over to it. "Jake!" I yell out to him, causing him to slam on the break. I run-up to his window. "Andy?" He asks putting down the window, "what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," I say, nearly out of breath.

"Can this wait?" He asks. "I have somewhere to be."

"It will only take a moment," I plead, "please!"

He lets out a sigh, as he combs his hand through his hair. "Fine, get in."

I walk around the side of the car and hop into the passenger seat. "So," he asks, "what did you want to talk about?"

I take a deep breath and inhale. I exhale everything that's been going through my mind these past few months. "First, I need to know why."

"Why what?" he asks, confused.

"Why did you cheat on me?!" I ask, tears weld up in my eyes. "Why did you leave me?..."

"Is that what you came to talk about?" his voice is cold and emotionless. "Listen Andy we're-"

"No," I say, interrupting him, "That's not what I came to talk to you about."

"Then what is it?" He asks, "spit it out already!"

"I'm pregnant!" I yell, "there I said it, happy?"

I look up at him, he's stunned. "H-How?" he asks, "We used protection-" he cuts himself off, "is it even mine?"

"Would I be telling you if it wasn't?" I meet his gaze.

"Wh- What are you going to do with it?" he asks.

"It's too late for me to get an abortion if that's what you're implying," I say, calming down a little, it's finally all out in the open, I finally told him the truth. "I haven't decided if i'm keeping it or giving it up for adoption, yet. That's why I need to know. I need to know why you did it!"

"Fine." He says barley auditable, "I'll tell you everything."

The Bad Boy Stole My MotorcycleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora