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                  CHAPTER 7


I just couldn't control the burning sensation at the pit of my stomach, when I saw both of them dancing with one another, staring at each other intently .I couldn't figure out this feeling that I felt. Unintentionally my eyes roamed from their faces to their hands held one another as if they were lovers of some sort .As she stared back at me, I couldn't resist the feeling to glare at both of them .Like didn't she know that he was Lucas Jordan, my business rival and if she didn't knew then also it was not at all justifiable to dance with a stranger she knew just a few moments ago.

After the dance, they proceeded to sit at the other table at the far side of the corner of the room. They were having a good conversation I guess. Weren't they?

I decide to go and say a not so sweet hello to that Lucas and mind it only to greet him not for any other thing. As I proceeded to greet him, I realized that they stopped talking the instant I walked up to them .I wonder what they were talking about and what made them stop the moment I walked up to them.

I greeted him with a fake smile of course which everyone could make out, "HEY, HOW YOU DOING?'' . He gave me a not so welcoming smile and replied, ''Good mate .What about you?'', faking an eager tone in his voice as if he was too eager to know about how I was doing. I replied, ''Good.'' By the way she is my Personal Secretary Evelyn .I think you already met her .I told him with a much stressed word in the word PERSONAL SECRETAR Y .So that he could back off from whatever he was planning to do .Let me remind you all I was not caring for her .It was my duty as a CEO to protect my employees from my not so friendly Associates .I looked at her to see that she was fidgeting her fingers with one another which clearly told ME THAT SHE WAS NERVIOUS .Good she must be .I smirked at her to which she dropped her eyes down immediately.

Lucas immediately replied, 'I know .She is such a sweetheart. ''SWEETHEART MY FOOT, I thought. This word made me feel anxious in some way. But no doubt Evelyn liked this compliment, because she was blushing furiously though at his nasty comment. It was a nasty one for me .Evelyn sensed the intensity of this situation, so she excused herself from there .I guess she was a bit intelligent in situations like this .Otherwise she was so clumsy every now and then.

As she walked away, I instantly gave up my fake etiquette and instantly glared at Lucas and I think he knew that that glare was coming so he gave a smirk instead .I just couldn't stand this person. I said,'' Whatever you are planning to do with her in that small brain of yours, DONT. Don't drag her in our matter .She is my employee''; he instantly became serious and replied "Who said I am dragging her into our matter .I am not .I like her .So I don't care if she is or isn't your employee.''

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