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Sometimes I couldn't understand that what's with him. Sometimes he is as rude as a jerk, most of the time he is complaining about my clumsiness while now he is suddenly caring, like I am literally confused at this point of time. I was staring at my bandaged wrist, when my phone started ringing; I picked up the call instantly after seeing Lucas's name flashing on the screen. As I said a quick hello, he replied with his cheery voice that he had been thinking about me and what not. He was a total flirt .I rolled my eyes and questioned him sarcastically that when was the exact moment when he didn't flirt with others, to which he replied that he didn't believe on taking a holiday in flirting to which I chuckled.

He asked me about how was I doing and all that talks ,while I was replying him with a sets of hmm ,yes and no's because I can't let my boss catch me again, slacking at my work because I know that if I repeat that again, he would definitely skin me alive. How much does this person talk thought to myself and listened to his talking.

Suddenly, he stopped talking and I could feel the seriousness that he was reflecting from his voice, I felt a bit nervous because what was with the sudden seriousness with him. He then told me that we should go for a friend's date and we could do shopping, eat and do all these kind of stuffs. I was definitely going to say no but his constant requesting voice, made me to agree for the date ,that is only a friend's date I guess ,so it would not be a big problem, will it? So I agreed for it .He instantly chuckled at my response. Which made me smile too? I couldn't deny the fact that he was definitely a crack head but also an adorable person. After a minute or so, we ended the call.

I just couldn't stop the thought arising out my head that our meet should not be awkward. So I decided that if I could take someone else with me so that it would not turn awkward between only the two of us. Just then i remembered that I could take Rachael with me because she told me that she was even planning to prepare a friend's date for celebrating our newly formed friendship, so why not take her with me it would be fun, I guess. I went to her and asked her about my plan but unfortunately she said that she had another event to attend to. But she promised me that some other day we would surely go out.

Saturday soon arrived and in the morning, Lucas texted me to get ready at about 7 in the evening and he would come to pick me up. I read it and waited for the mentioned time .At about 6 ,I got ready. I wore a long black gown with half sleeves, a black gem necklace and paired it with my purple bracelet. For my makeup, I wore a nude shade of lipstick and drew winged eyeliner for my eyes, to make them look a bit bigger and applied a bit of mascara for my eyelashes. I was ready finally.

After about some time, Lucas texted me that he was waiting downstairs. I wore my black stilettos and went down .I could see a red Mercedes parked in front of my house and Lucas standing beside it. He looked good, I guess .I smiled at him. He winked at me, which led to a red tinge to appear on my cheeks, unknowingly I was blushing. He came to me and uttered that I look beautiful and I replied to him that he didn't look so bad I guess. To which he chuckled and opened the car door for me .I smiled at him and sat inside .He closed the car door to my side and motioned towards the other side to sit. I enjoyed his company, I guess. I didn't feel uncomfortable, not even for second. We talked about all the random things like our favorite actors, actresses and all those stuffs. We had dinner at a very lavish place where he allowed me to order first. I felt happy after seeing his consideration for me.

At about 10 ,he dropped me home .I thanked him and told him that I enjoyed his company ,he thanked me for accompanying him after a lot of thank you's ,finally he left and here I was smiling like a creep to myself ,while preparing to sleep.

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