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I don't know why I couldn't control my emotions whenever I am with Evelyn .She reminds me of my ex girlfriend who I used to love a lot. Here I used the word "USED TO LOVE" because she is now not with me anymore .Last year she died in a car accident .I just couldn't control myself from breaking down .My heart shattered into pieces whenever I used to think of her smile ,her pretty face.I somehow always find myself guilty for her death. Why? because that was the day when we broke up 'Although she was the first one who suggested me this option because according to her she didn't love me anymore .But I was the only fool who thought that we were in love. But I respected her decision you know because I loved her unconditionally to stop her . Till now, I REGRET that if I begged her to stay with me ,she would have stayed and instead I could have saved her that day.

Well let me not make you all sad with my depressing past. Let me tell you that from the moment I saw her, my oath with myself that I would never fall in love again made me overthink my decision. She was just perfect in every way possible. Her clumsy nature made me fall for her even more .Her carefree nature ,her shy smile ND WHAT NOT. I guess it was yet left for her to realize that I liked herand I didn't want to scare her away with my sudden proposal .I decided to take things in a slow pace and start with just being friends .Let me tell you that I don't want her to fulfill all my physical needs but I only want her to treasure her to show her her value by loving her ,caring for her .She is beautiful .According to me she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

If it was possible for me I would have offered her a good job in my office instead of allowing her to work for this rude and arrogant rival of mine. Sooner or later once we become good friends ,I will surely offer her a job proposal in my office .And I am sure that I would never let her go once I make her mine. I will shower her with all the happiness in these whole world. Although it sounds a bit cheesy but I am serious .I love her an I really mean it .


The alarm clock beside my table irritated me with its sound .Oh god why just why I couldn't even sleep peacefully for a moment. I looked at the calendar that was pinned agaist the pink wall of my bedroom .Oh god I forgot that it was Sunday today .I could have sleeped till noon but I forgot to turn off my alarm clock the day before.I stretched myself a bit and put my feet down by bed and wore the soft ,pink rabbit slippers .I just love this slippers .they are so soft and comfy. These slippers reminded me of my childhood friend as well as my best friend MADISON ASHLEY. They were from her. She is a complete sweetheart you know and also very adorable .She was with me all those years when I nearly broke up due to my crazy EX.She understood me without me saying her .She never left my side .She was like my own sister in some situations when I couldn't take a decision ,she was the one who helped me .

I remember the day when my ex broke up with me, I cried a lot and all those time she just comforted me .I nearly soaked her shirt with all my tears and snot.But she didn't mind. I miss her a lot . Sometimes I just laugh at those moments and wonder that what would have happened if she wasn't there with me.Sometimes we talk for an hour over text and our phone.Well last year she went to California to work as a fashion designer and left me here all alone promising me that we would talk with one another by phone but still I miss her physical presence you know a lot.As I was immersed in my thoughts ,my phone started ringing in an instant.I saw the familiar name flashing on my phone screen.It was Madalyn calling me.Till now I wasn't sure of the fact that whether she could read my mind or not because she knew everything about what I was thinking and what not .A smile appeared at my lips instantly and my face brightened .I swiped my phone screen and replied,"hey captain obvious,I was thinking about you .'',She let out a laugh and faked a shocked expression and replied,''I knew captain dumb .Do you know what I am coming to meet you love,''she said.I was taken aback by her words and I was damn happy dude that she was finally coming to meet me after several months.I was so happy.I let out a high pitched scream and started talking eith her.She was coming in two days.I had so much work to do .I had to clean my house ,bring groceries and what not.I was mentally preparing myself for childhood bestfriend's arrival.She was coming in two days .YAAY!

I Won't Fall For YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin