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I just don't understand what problem does that arrogant Isaac has with me. Although I am a bit clumsy but it doesn't mean that he can shout on me 24×7. Although I am a bit clumsy sometimes but I am too a human and human do make mistakes. I am just waiting for the day when I will get a good job offer and I would just throw the resignation letter at this arrogant jerk. After I leave this job as his personal secretary, he will realize the importance of me as well as my work.

As I was thinking about that arrogant beast .A notification popped up in my screen and I swipe at the phone screen to check who it was? It couldn't be Madison because she knew the rules of my office. She knew that she couldn't text when I was working neither it could be Isaac because he would instead prefer to shout at me rather than text me. When I checked the phone I saw that there was a text from an unknown number. The message read that," hi this is Lucas". at first I was taken aback when I came to know that he was the one texting me then I decided to ask him that from what or from who did he get my number.

When I replied him with a HI and asked him that from whom did he get my number, he was not ready to tell me instead he just sent a wink emoji over the text message although I didn't know him before but now we were at the stage to become friends. If that message was from a stranger I would have immediately block him.

For some 20 minutes or so we talked, we discussed about different random topics like how was I doing? If I was fine or not?

When he texted me that how are you doing. I sarcastically replied to him. Why are you asking me how I am doing, as if we have not met each other for a year? he replied by saying that can I not care for my friend? Although he was a bit flirty in nature but however he was a very caring person. And I don't know why but every time we met we talked or we texted he would always smile whenever we met . Or he would always send a laughing emoji whenever he texted. He had a good sense of humor too .His jokes made my stomach ache. I could assume that he would soon become my best friend. He was completely different to that of Isaac. While Isaac never gave a genuine smile on the other hand Lucas always smiled. Both of the natures were so contrasting to each other. As I was texting with him I didn't know that someone was standing behind me.

Someone cleared their throat behind me. From the voice I could easily figure out that it was Isaac. Oh god please save me from the hands of this devil ,I thought to myself. I am gone for sure this time for breaking the office rules and texting during working hours. The smile that I had on my face while texting Lucas immediately disappeared after seeing my boss in front of him. As if my voice got stuck in my throat.

" Miss Evelyn, do you not understand when I tell you to follow the damn rules Being my personal secretary if you do not follow the rules then what would I expect from the rest of the office.", he said to me in a rude manner and slapped at the table with a bang.. "you would stay at the office for late today and complete the file work.", he said with a growl and after giving me of last glare he went, from there without listening to my response. While I stood there speechless. No I did get the decision of texting Lucas doing the office hours. If I would not have texted him then at least I could have been able to go to my home early and also would have saved myself from staying late in the office.

There was a rumor going on among the office employees that at night this office was haunted by the ghosts. I don't believe in ghosts. But when I heard the statement from my boss Isaac that I have to stay late after office this gave me chills. I hope a worker or two were staying behind.

After the office hours was over, all the employees were rushing outside in groups, while I was staying behind in order to complete the files work that my boss ordered me to complete. Every time I was doing a file work I don't know why if I assuming or it was real in reality, I heard the voice. This whole situation gave me creeps. I just couldn't define how I was feeling at that time with my words.

After avoiding the noise in the background, I decided to finish my work completely. After about an hour or so, I finished the fireworks and I proceeded to leave this place. As I proceeded to stand up certainly, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Really today I was having a bad day.I closed my eyes and prayed to God to save me from this situation like a real life haunted movie. As I turned around I saw a very familiar face looking down at me. It was my boss with a smirk on his face. He said" are you planning to leave this file work undone. If so then you cannot. And are you praying to God so that they would curse me for giving you so much work?." He commented sarcastically.

At first I was taken aback to see his face but however I couldn't figure out that he was also staying late in the office. If I knew that from before then I would have atleast cooled myself down thinking that instead of some spirit or so it was him he who was talking on this phone. But I could not figure out that why he was staying late in the office when he had already finished his paperwork prior the office hours. But I liked his decision after knowing that he was present in this office and I was not the only one.

I said," Sir, actually I was proceeding to leave because I already have finished my paper work." He replied that," it's already very late and you will not get any cab out there ,so let me drop you. and I don't want you to get in any trouble otherwise you will haunt me for the rest of my life and I don't want that ''.At first I thought that he was concerned about me but then I realized that he was only doing that for his own sake. To save his butt from my haunting ghost if I ever fell in trouble ,like what a jerk. I proceeded behind him to leave the office.


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