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Evelyn's p.o.v

I am so happy that our love for each other stills the same as before. Although perfect doesn't exist, so we also had many arguments and small fights during the years of our marriage but these small arguments made our bond grow stronger from time to time.

I am very happy with my marriage life. My baby bump is showing clearly now with each passing time. We are excited for the arrival of the new member in our family. Today we are having the gender revealing party of our baby. I am so excited.

As we proceed to cut the cake together, i was very excited to know about the gender of our baby. It may be a girl or boy; we would accept anyone of the two with love and joy. After cutting the cake, I was happy to know that we were going to have a baby girl. We hugged each other happily. Now we were just waiting for our baby to arrive safely and then we would be the happiest couple in the whole world.

After six months

Isaac's p.o.v

Finally the moment arrived for which both of us were eagerly waiting. Today we were finally going to see our baby. I waited eagerly for that moment as I was pacing left and right in the hospital floor, waiting for the good news. Finally the doctor came outside and gently offered the small and adorable source of happiness in my arms with a smile, telling me that Evelyn was resting after the delivery. Tears of happiness fell from my eyes after looking at our beautiful baby in my arms.She was a baby girl who had her mother's features and her hair colour was like that of mine , a blond shade.She was the ultimate happiness for me and Evelyn.

The end ...................❤❤

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