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I decided that I should tell about my wedding (that was going to change my whole life) to Madison, my best friend. I knew that she would definitely freak out over this. She would scold me and lecture me that why I didn't tell her sooner that I had a boyfriend and what not, but she would soon support me in this, I was definitely sure about that how? Because of course best friends could read each other's mind. Can't they? As per my narration before, after I told her about my marriage with my boss ,she did freak out and trust me she immediately contributed in bursting my fragile ear drums with her killer scream that could make anyone go deaf. I had to rub them for making sure that they were still working. And then I apologized to her that I didn't tell her that I had a boy friend(although he wasn't my boy friend). She immediately went silent and I knew that it was the silence before the arrival of a giant storm.I said hello to make sure that she was still on line. She replied me and told me that she was coming in a minute to discuss about her best friend's marriage. I laughed at her enthusiasm and excitement over my fake marriage and waited for her arrival. I felt guilty because as a part of the deal, I couldn't reveal to anyone that my marriage with my boss was fake, not even to my childhood best friend.

After about half an hour, she arrived and immediately after her arrival, she embraced me and immediately after the hug, took my hand and whirled me around, expressing her excitement for her best friend's wedding. She was surely hella excited. She sat at one of the couches in my bedroom and told me to narrate about the whole plan .She listened attentively, nodding to each sentence that left my mouth .She instantly pleaded that she would make my bride dress for the engagement ceremony and I obviously agreed to it ,because why not .I was definitely proud on my best friend for being one of the top designers and I would definitely love to wear her hand designed dress. Listening to my approval, she screamed a bunch of yaay's ! Like for the twentieth time. I even added that she had to be my bridesmaid, because although my marriage with my boss was a fake one but then also I would love to see my best friend as my bridesmaid. After listening to my decision that she would be my bridesmaid for my wedding, she hugged me tightly. Seeing her excitement for my wedding, made me damn happy and her smile ,it was enough to forget about all that risks that I and my fake husband has to face in the future because of our decision about this fake wedding.


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