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                              CHAPTER 9


Here we were , me and my best friend Madison at the carnival giggling like school girls, eating lollipops and candies like we never ate tasted them before .Immediately after she arrived ,she forced me to dress up for the carnival as well as our friends date .She has not changed at all .Her talkative nature ,her sassy comments all were back instantly .She would never take a no for anything she wanted. We played all kind of games in the games stalls and I was able to win about five teddies In five different games and Madison won nothing at all .Because of which I had to give one of the teddies that I won to her because obviously she was pouting at me and looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. Who could resist them. She was behaving like a school girl completely and this somehow made me happy that she didn't change at all. As we were about o proceed to the fast food stall to eat something ,I saw my brother Ben with two of his friends eating on a table at the far side of the fast food stall.

Well I didn't introduce my brother to you all till now because he was an irritating piece of shit .Unfortunately he was my elder sibling .Well although we loved each other but we didn't show that openly .WE didn't live together because he used to live with his male friends at their dorm .He was a doctor and so he and his doctor friends rented a huge and costly apartment near the hospital so that they could soon reach the hospital incase any emergency arrived. I decided to scare him as the situation was also on my side as he was sitting with his back towards me .I motioned Madison to keep quiet and tip toed to their table as I proceeded to scream silently in his ears ,he scared me instead by looking at me instantly before I could do anything .He and his friends started laughing at my shocked and scred reaction .If he were alone ,I could have given him a punch but now as his friends were with him ,I couldn't. Instead I just smiled at them ,feeling embarrassed .

''Hey stop laughing like a bunch of hyenas. Are you trying to make her embarassed'', Madison shot right at them and glared at my brother . They became silent and my brother glared back at her. I just love her ,she always took my stand when my brother irritated me with his actions ,even when we were kids. I motioned her to let go of her anger .She understood my reaction and instantly gave a fake smile to all of them to which all of them returned.

Although she looked complete innocent and quiet type of girl but believe me she was the devil herself when she was in a mood or when she was angry. I Introduced myself and Madison in front of Ben's friends and they seemed to be good people because they instantly warmed up to us. We had a good conversation and although his friends proposed to pay the bill of our food but Ben paid it because of course if not a whole brain but somehow he had a half brain to act like a gentle man.

Let me tell you this that all though my brother Ben and Madison were ready to kill each other any time or in any situations, but they liked each other a lot .More like they had a crush on each other .I knew that because both of them told me that on different occasions but were too shy to admit that to each other. As a little cupid of theirs ,I tried my best to make them a couple with lot of efforts .

So I decided that today I would take a huge step to make them a couple .I decided to lie Madison that I have been called for a sudden meeting in my oofice and I would hint my brother to drop her off at my house and then boom ,they would be a lovesick couple. So I made my excuse from there after convincing Madison that I would finish my meeting in an instant and return home back to her.


Madison was giggling like a lovesick girl telling me about all those moments that she and my brother shared .However this grossed me out because till now I don't know how come she had a crush on my silly brother .But I decided to listen to her because of course my effort was a huge success in making them a couple .And although I didn't want to admit ,but I shipped them together .LMAO. They were a couple now officially. They looked perfect together .I had to admit that although my brother was an irritating piece of shit but he got good genes from my parents. When we were in school all the girls crushed on him and I gagged at their lovesick behavior .And my best friend who was definitely very pretty ,they looked good together as if they were made for each other.

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