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Part 7: Practice 

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A loud laugh escaped Ruby's mouth as she watched Emmett be thrown across the field. It was clear he wouldn't beat the older vampire, the more skilled vampire. It was always amusing watching the two fight, since Jasper usually went easy on the boy.

No, Jasper never truly fought against Emmett, he would kill the strong vampire with ease.

"Again!" Emmett roared, causing Ruby to let out a tutting sound. "Now, now Emmett, save your true strength for the battlefield." "But I have to beat him," the large vampire whined. "I'm stronger."

"And Jasper is smarter," Ruby counted. "Fighting with mere strength is a Newborn tactic, that is why they will lose." Jasper nodded his head. "Ruby is right, fight with intelligence, though they may be hard for you."

Emmett growled before charging at the boy. While the two were fighting, Ruby heard Edward's car approaching, which meant one thing, Bella.

The hybrid walked over to the two that had just left the jeep. "Bella, how wonderful for you to join." She hugged the girl, who smiled. "I must admit, I'm shocked Edward allowed you to watch us." Ruby looked at her brother with raised eyebrows.

"She insisted, unfortunately I was unable to persuade her otherwise," Edward told his sister. "Yes, well us women are extremely persuasive." Ruby winked at Bella, who smiled once more. It seemed Ruby was forever making comments that the human enjoyed. The girl was clearly one who loved inappropriate jokes.

The supernatural beings all looked towards the trees as they heard rustling. "They're coming," Ruby mumbled, a small smile beginning to appear on her face. Yes, she was looking forward to seeing them, them being Embry and Leah. The boy who owned her heart and one of her two best female friends.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward told Carlisle, as the wolves remained in front of them.

Ruby couldn't help but chuckle. "With all due respect, you are their natural enemy." "The female wolf agrees with you," Edward said.

Leah growled at the vampire causing Ruby to grin. She went over to them, standing between Leah and Embry. The two wolves remained next to the other due to their shared love for the girl. Leah was her best friend, while Embry had imprinted on the hybrid.

Edward frowned as he heard the word imprint in Embry's head. He'd have to discover what it meant and why it was connected to Ruby.

"They came, that's all the matters. You will translate," Carlisle said as he stepped forward. "Welcome, Jasper has experience with Newborns, teach us how to defeat them."

"They wanna know how the Newborns differ from us," Edward told Carlisle.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle looked at Jasper, silently motioning for the vampire to take over.

"Carlisle is right. That's why they're created. A Newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army can stand against them." Jasper looked between his family and the wolves. "Now, the two most important things to remember are; first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that, and you will lose."

Jasper's eyes went to Emmett. "Emmett." The large vampire grinned, while Ruby used her powers to pull Bella over to herself and the wolves. She put her a forcefield around them all, not wanting anyone to get hurt.

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