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Part 1: Protectiveness

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When you're in love you often do things others may see as crazy. An example? Edward had decided to break Bella's car, to stop her from going to La Push.

Bella was writing in the diary to Ruby, telling her what had happened, how she just wanted to make sure Jacob was okay.

How did Ruby feel about that? She was furious, not at Bella, but at her brother.

"How dare you?!" she yelled as she threw her brother into the wall, breaking a vase. "He helped her when we abandoned her. He comforted her when we left her! How you dare you stop her from seeing him?!"

"He's a wolf," Edward reminded the Hybrid, who scoffed. "Yet she was perfectly safe with him." "She tried killing herself!" Edward yelled. "And who saved her?!" Ruby screamed at the boy.

All the family were watching the two, none of them breaking the argument. It was overdue, Ruby's protectiveness over the human getting the better of her.

"Jacob picked her up when she was at her lowest. He was there for her when you were goodness knows where. You cannot break that connection, and so help you if you try." Ruby stepped closer to the boy, her eyes turning black. "It won't just be me you have to worry about. You may lose your mate, forever."

Ruby's eyes turned back to normal, before looking at Alice. Jasper stood in front of his mate, protecting the girl. Ruby rolled her eyes. While Alice may have been the one who told Edward Bella's future disappeared, she knew the vampire meant no harm, she was looking out for the human.

"Please, Alice is cautious. She checks Bella's future to make sure no harm will come to our future sister," Ruby said, before going back to her room.

Everyone turned to Edward, waiting for him to say something, though he remained quiet. "One of these days she's going to kill you," Emmett told his brother. As much as the words sounded ridiculous, he was worried the girl would hurt him.

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"What are you working on, Jessica?" Ruby asked, after walking over to the table containing the humans. Edward was by her side, taking his seat next to Bella, while Ruby sat next to Angela.

"She's working on her speech, though mine is better," Mike said. "My fellow students. We are the future, anything is possible if we just believe, blah, blah, blah."

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Yes, that will be my speech, if I want people to throw their diplomas at my head." "You gotta embrace the clichés, Jess," Mike told her. Eric nodded his head, agreeing with his friend. "He's right. They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians."

"And this is why you're not valedictorian," Angela said. Eric threw a paper ball towards Angela, only for Ruby to catch it. "Perhaps you're not valedictorian due to your lack of maturity. Or the fact Jessica will look beautiful in her gown."

A small blush appeared across Jessica's face at the blonde's comment. She wasn't used to the girl being so nice to her, she was usually only extremely nice to Angela.

"Jess doesn't need clichés, her speech will rock," Bella said. "Rock? No, it will do more than Rock," Ruby added. Jessica smiled as she looked between the best friends. "It will change life's."

Ruby smiled at the human, who smiled. Jessica appreciated Ruby's support, she wasn't sure what was going on with the girl, though she seemed happy. It was like receiving compliments from a movie star, or a supermodel.

Alice and Jasper approached the table, sitting next to Ruby. "I've decided to throw a party," Alice beamed. "After all, how many times will we graduate high school," Jasper joked, causing Ruby to laugh. The two blondes smirked at each other, before Ruby stuck her tongue out at the boy.

"A-A party? At your house?" Angela stuttered. "Whoa, I've never seen your house," Jessica said. "No one has ever seen their house." Eric looked at Bella. "Apart from Swan."

Ruby bit down on her lip, wanting to snap at Eric for his stupid comment. Of course Bella had seen their house, she was dating Edward.

"Another party, Alice," Edward said. "It'll be fun, " Alice told the boy, causing Ruby to chuckle sarcastically. "Because the last party ended so well."

It was at that moment Alice had a vision. Ruby knew that the others would become suspicious of the girl's still and silent state, so decided to gain their attention. "Naturally us girl's will look fabulous. We'll have our best features on display."

Jessica hummed. "I don't know what my best feature is." "Well, you looked great in your Prom dress, especially your cleavage," Ruby said, before turning to Angela. "You, you're face is your best asset. You're so naturally beautiful."

"Should I be jealous that you keep hitting on my girl?" Eric questioned. "Depends, if you treat her right, we have no problem. If you treat her wrong, then I might scoop in" Ruby said, causing the others to laugh.

Angela looked at Ruby, who winked, causing the dark hair girl to blush. Alice looked at her siblings, her eyes widening as she met Edward's eyes.

If only Ruby was looking inside her sister's head, she would hear the telepathic conversation the two were having. Alice was warning Edward to get Bella out of town and to convince Ruby to go to Alaska. The girl's vision had disappeared, the moment Ruby saw Victoria.

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Ruby's eyes narrowed as she glared at her brother. He was convincing her to leave town, though refused to tell her why. "Edward, Anthony, Masen, if you don't tell me why you want me out of town, I will hurt you." 

"Victoria is planning a visit soon. I want you to go to Alaska, so you can gain strength for when it happens," he half lied. Yes, Victoria was planning to visit soon, though Edward knew when.

Ruby had no reason not to believe her brother. He only didn't tell her, due to the fact Bella had been around. Bella would always be Edward's priority. She would always be his number one concern.

A sigh escaped Ruby's mouth as she smiled at her brother. "Very well. I can pack myself, just so you're aware." She walked towards the clothes on her bed, putting her hand out, making them go back to their rightful place in her room. "Also, I always buy new clothes for new trips."

She lifted up her hand, pushing Edward out of her room.

Edward made his way to the forest, where Alice was waiting for him. "Has it been done?" she questioned. "Ruby will be in Alaska when Victoria arrives. She is out of harms way."

It was silent between the two as one question remained on their minds. Why does Ruby's future keep disappearing?

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End Of Chapter

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