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Part 5: Force

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A grinning Ruby entered her house, Bella by her side. She had a great time with the wolves, almost seducing two of them to their deaths, not that she would. They thought they were stronger than her. Oh how wrong they were.

"It's getting worse," Carlisle said, as Ruby and Bella entered the room. He turned off the television. "We're going to have to do something."

"Alice." Ruby turned to her seer sister. "Do you have any idea who is causing this?" The disaster would eventually lead the Volturi to them, if they weren't behind it. They may be the so called rulers, but when they wanted something they would get it, whatever the cost.

"No, I haven't seen anything," Alice told her sister.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more, and they're undisciplined, conspicuous," Jasper paused as he looked at his brother. "It's Newborns" Edward finished.

The term confused Bella, who looked at Ruby. "What, like new vampires?" The blonde nodded her head, though Edward was the one to speak. "In the first months after the change."

"That's when we're at our most vicious, uncontrollable, insane with thirst," Jasper told the girl. "Something to look forward too," Emmett said with a smirk.

Ruby's eyes snapped towards her brother, darkening slightly. Emmett was known for his jokes, though he didn't always do them at the right time. "There's a time and place for joking, this is not it."

"No one has trained these Newborns, but this isn't random," Jasper said. "Someone's creating an army," Carlisle added. Jasper nodded his head. It was the only reasonable answer to the Newborns.

Ruby wasn't sure what to think. She was tempted to go there and kill them all. If they were untrained, they would be oblivious to her and her powers.

Emmett stood up, ready for battle. "Oh, now we're definitely going to Seattle." Ruby rolled her eyes, before using her powers to make the large vampire sit down. He pouted at his sister.

"Wait, an army of vampires?" Bella questioned, yet was ignored.

"There haven't been any Newborn armies in over a century that I know of." Carlisle looked at Ruby, who nodded her head. "Nor do I. It's strange to think of it."

"There is now. And they've been created to fight someone," Jasper said. "We're the only clan even close to Seattle," Edward added.

The thought of fighting an army of Newborns didn't bother Ruby as much as it should have, she was more worried for Bella. What if one of them hurt the human? She was, after all, just a human. Newborns were thirsty for blood, doing anything to get it.

"Regardless, of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to it the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long," Carlisle said.

Ruby couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course they knew about the army, they were probably watching them.

"Maybe they're purposely ignoring it, or even behind it. When we were in Italy I read Aro's mind. He didn't want me to see, but it was there. He wants Alice and I to join him." Edward looked at Ruby, unsure whether or not to continue. "He wants Ruby back with Alec, where she, in their eyes belongs. Our gifts will make them unstoppable. But he knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is alive."

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