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Part 4: Treaty

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The day was coming close, Ruby knew it wouldn't be long until the child was born, until the fight with the wolves would end. Ruby wasn't sure if she would be able to fight them, especially Embry.

The hybrid was acting strong, trying to hide how much she missed the boy she loved. But Family came first, family always came first, right?

"You're ready to give birth any day now," Carlisle told the human, who smiled in response. "Great." "No, it's not great if he's too weak to assist you," Edward said. "He's right, Carlisle, you need to feed. I can't help you, I'm too weak," Ruby added.

The family knew of Jasper and Ruby's arrangement, it was the only thing keeping them safe. If the wolves were to attack randomly, Jasper was the best fighter, while Ruby needed his illusions of lust to remain strong enough to help Bella.

"You need to hunt," Edward told the doctor.

"Sam and the others are surrounding the house," Jacob reminded them. "There's no way you'll be able to get passed them." "We have to do something," Edward replied.

"We need a distraction," Ruby mumbled, looking at the new Alpha. 

Jacob knew he would be the only one who could help, especially since Embry wasn't allowed near the house. Sam was afraid the wolf would run to his imprint, leaving their pack and joining Jacob.

"I think I can help. I'll distract them, Leah and Seth will assist me," Jacob said.

"We can't ask you to do that," Carlisle replied. A chuckle escaped the wolf's mouth. "You didn't ask, I suggested and I will."

"Are you sure?" Esme questioned the boy. She may have been the mother of the coven, yet she still cared for the wolf. "If it's what's best for Bella." He looked at the weak human. "Then yes, I'm sure."

"He's right, it must be done," Ruby mumbled, her eyes remaining on Bella, smiling at the girl. She looked at her family, at Emmett, whose eyes were black. He was the newest vampire, he was struggling, not as much as Jasper, but a lot. 

"If the worst is to happen, then you need your strength." Edward's eyes flickered to Ruby. "Ruby and I are here to help Bella until you return."

"We're both more than qualified, Carlisle. You need to feed and take Emmett with you," Ruby said. Emmett's eyes flickered to his sister. "While Jasper and Alice are struggling, Emmett is our strongest, he is our strength and he needs to feed."

They all nodded their head, agreeing with the hybrid. They didn't know the plan, though they knew the plan would work, it had to work.

Jacob went outside, Leah and Seth following him as they walked toward their old territory. They could hear the growling of their former pack mates as they stopped at the border. The growling grew louder, confirming what Jacob was hoping, they coming.

"They're coming," Seth said. Jacob nodded his head. "I know." "We should phase. We can't protect ourselves like this," Leah said.

"We can't, they'll see it as a threat. I'll do the talking, nobody else is permitted to speak," Jacob told them. They weren't going to argue with their alpha, they trusted the boy, more than they did Sam.

The wolves came out, growling at their former pack mates. It broke Quil's heart seeing his best friend, but he had orders to follow, he couldn't break them

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