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Part 3: Crash

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Ruby was a true believer that family wasn't about whose blood ran through your body. An example would be her family, the only blood that entered them was from their meals. It was a strange thought that Vampires were real, if only humans knew, they'd be terrified, at least any sane human would be.

A strange sensation ran through Ruby's body as she sat on her bed. She could feel a presence, one trying to enter her room. She lifted up her hand and her bedroom window opened.

The moment the figure entered, she smiled brightly at them. "At last, you've returned to me. Are the others aware you're back?"

"No, I needed to see you first."

Edward sat on the end of the bed, staring at his hands, unsure what to say.

"How do you feel now?" Ruby asked her nervous brother. "I feel the ability to control myself has returned. It was a terrifying experience, lacking control like I did, like I was" he admitted.

"It's understandable, finding somebody you want to suck dry is scary" Ruby said, though the tone she used caused him to scoff. Ruby was often like a stereotypical male teenager, thinking more of sex than anything else.

"Are you ready for school?" Ruby asked her brother. "I was thinking of returning tomorrow" he replied. "Just to give myself one more day to-" Ruby put her hand out, stopping the boy from continuing with whatever nonsense he was bound to spill.

Edward would always find an excuse, whether it be he didn't want to, or a valid reason.

"What would I do if I lost control and bit her?" he questioned, despite knowing the answer. "It would put not only me, but the rest of the family in danger. I am-"

"Bite me."

Edward stared at his sister, shocked at her words. He knew Jasper had bitten her before, when he was close to losing control, it helped calm a hungry, untamed vampire, he just never thought she'd say the words to him.

Ruby rolled her eyes as she saw the boy's inner dilemma, inner debate. She found it amusing as the boy continued to think about her words. It wasn't as if she asked him to marry her, just to bite her so he'd have more control while around his blood singer.

"Edward, how much calmer is Jasper after he's bitten me?"

It was true, Jasper became more tamed after biting the girl. Edward found himself too close to the girl to even consider it an option, yet it would help him.

"Biting doesn't hurt me, nor will it hurt you." Ruby got off the bed and kneeled down in front of her brother. She gently took his hands, smiling at him. "You will be in control of yourself, trust me."

Edward watched as the blonde put her wrist in front of his face. He closed his eyes letting out a sigh that was unnecessary.

'It will help me' he thought. 'It will save Bella.'

He gently bit into her wrist, causing the blonde's eyes to turn black. Edward had never tasted blood so satisfying. He didn't want to stop, he wanted to suck her dry, that was when the blood seemed to lose it's taste, it became bitter, undesirable. He removed his teeth from her wrist.

"How do you feel?" Ruby asked her brother. Strangely, he felt fine, almost stronger if that was a possibility. "I feel good." "As humans often say, I told you so" she teased.

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