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All Author Notes Will Be In This Chapter Here, Dated, That Way I Won't Have Dozens Of Them.

26 - 06 - 2023

I know I haven't updated for nearly 3 months. My health took a turn for the worse, I was in and out of the doctors, brought to hospital one time and currently being monitored by the doctors. I've not really had the time nor passion to write this book, despite Rubella being one of my favorite OC's. I'll try and write next weekend, but I can't guarantee when the next part will be out. This book is not on hold or discontinued and I plan on finishing it. I have a week off at the end of July where I plan to at least finish Part 1 of Breaking Dawn.

Thank you for your patience.

25 - 08 - 2021

Okay, there are only two chapters left of Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Will Be In a whole Part, not separated like the movies. I'm so excited for the next chapters.

03 - 09 - 2020

I finally decided who Ruby's Mate will be, at last. I hope to publish the next part of this story friday/ Saturday.

24 - 07 - 2020

This book is Not on hold, or discontinued, it was merely waiting for 'Angel' to catch up, though that boring. I'm hoping to write the next chapter soon.

11 - 06 - 2020

The next and final chapter of Twilight, is up. I have a question for you all, who do you want to see with Ruby? I still haven't decided myself, though I have two people in mind. What do you think?

22 - 05 - 2020

I'm almost finished the next chapter of this book, after that there's only two more chapters. New Moon will be short with only a few chapters. Before Eclipse, where things are really interesting. Perpare for an update today or tomorrow.

24 - 02 - 2020

I'm going to say this once, this book is not on hold nor has it been discontinued. I've been exhausted from work, doing extra shifts due to others being ill. I'm hoping to update this week, but can't say for sure.

Thank you for your patience. 

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