4: Fleeting Crush

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I regretted taking the underground on Wednesday. When the small metal tube filled with bodies, it had a knack for trapping in the heat. Yet I was willing to ignore it if it meant I would get to the library more quickly.

Stepping out from the underground station, I felt a gentle prickle on my skin from the sun above. We were supposed to have moderate UV rays today, so I made sure to apply sunscreen before leaving my home this morning.

Ducking into Costa, I grabbed myself the usual iced coffee. But as I went to pay, I added a bottle of water to my purchase. Given that he had bought me such an expensive meal, I figured I owed him something. Though I didn't know what he liked to drink.

Beverages in hand, I was quick to race out of the cafe and make my way up the steps of the library, through the ground floor, and up the final flight of stairs.

Yet as I rounded the corner to our table, my face fell to find it empty.

Tentatively setting up my belongings on my side, I left his space open in case he was late.

After all my things were in place, I went into the aisles to grab my books for today, still stuck on expanding my knowledge of fairies (the normal kind).

But when half an hour passed and he still hadn't turned up, I snapped the book I was reading shut.

Picking up my pile of fairy books, I then dropped them on the return trolley, the hardcovers and paperbacks colliding with a loud thud.

Heading back into the aisles, I tugged a new selection of new texts into my awaiting arms before sitting down and flicking to a new page, writing 'ghosts' on top.

· · ───── ∘☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

Ben never turned up that Wednesday. I waited until past midday in the hopes that maybe he was coming in the afternoon. But it was to no avail.

While the lack of his presence left a bitter taste in my mouth as I headed off that afternoon, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Because perhaps he just had something come up that day...

Then Thursday rolled around, another day of mugginess clinging to the air and dampening the spirits of all of London.

"Please remember to stay hydrated during this hot spell," the intercom at the train station announced as I climbed off the tube.

Weaving my way through the bustling crowds, I skipped my iced coffee that morning, eager to get to my seat to see him.

This time, I was sure he'd be there.

Yesterday had to be a fluke.

Which was why, as I bounded up the stairs, a small smile was already pulling onto my face in anticipation of our gazes meeting after what felt like forever apart.

But, as I rounded that corner... again, it was vacant.

And Friday passed just the same.

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On Saturday evening, after I had gotten home from work and had had my dinner, I called my mum for our weekly catch up.

"Hello honey, how are you?" she asked.

"Oh you know. So so," I mumbled back into the receiver.

"What's wrong?" she was quick to reply.

I sighed. "Why do people suck?" I implored, feeling the rant already brewing in me.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now