51: Judgement and Jealousy

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When we got back to Stephen's house, they were walking back to the house from the opposite direction, clearly having gone for an afternoon stroll themselves. Once we had met in the middle in front of the house, Stephen turned to look at me.

"I was wondering if I could have a brief walk with you, Olivia," he said to me.

I glanced to Ben warily, who nodded at me to go ahead if I wished.

"Okay," I said, joining him as he sauntered away. I resisted the urge to glance back as we continued to walk. Once out of their hearing range, he finally spoke.

"I wanted to thank you for what you've done for those two boys," he started.

Eyes wide, I turned to look at him. Corners of his lips turned up, his gaze drifted out over the land, not meeting mine, as if looking at me would ruin what he had to say. "You don't have to—"

But he cut me off. "I need to say this, Olivia. Ben is my son and Lukas is like a son to me. I love them both dearly. But the way they are both so... alive with you. I never thought I would see it. Neither of them were able to enjoy their youth. As you know, Ben lost his mother when he was little, and I couldn't move my work all the time. He was often alone. Lukas on the other hand... He never got to be a kid. His uncle made sure of that. But as you know, we can't talk much about that here. With you, it's like they are both just teenage boys again, stupidly fighting over a girl." He chuckled and shook his head.

"They aren't—"

Again, I was not to interrupt. "I know they aren't being good friends with each other anymore. But to be honest, they never were good friends. It's my fault for forcing it. When his uncle finally let him go and Lukas had moved away, I went to see him the moment the boarding school was announced to open. I begged Lukas to befriend Ben to make sure he wasn't alone and built a support network. I feared it would be too late. That he had built his wall so big that he'd never let anyone in... yet Lukas of course managed to break through. He befriended Ben for me. Lukas was never too fond of him even though my son was infatuated... He persisted for my sake. But with you, both of them are so genuinely happy."

Then he stopped. 

We were amidst trees now, the sun slowly going down and the frigid air of the night creeping in. 

Stephen turned, a fatherly glow behind his eyes as he looked down at me. But as happy as he was, my heart throbbed. In good ways to know my two favourite people had a father figure who adored them. But in bad ways to think Ben clearly never knew that Lukas never approached him for the sake of him... It was, in the end, just to appease Stephen. 

"I never thought my son would find someone who would be his friend, let alone that he'd find love. Let alone a bond!" He shook his head. "I know you will be good to him, Olivia. You will always be there for him no matter what. But..."

Is this the part where he tells me to leave his son?

"Don't spend your life being bogged down in your relationship if your heart is drifting elsewhere."

I took a step away. How did he know?

"I saw how you looked at Lukas earlier. Ben saw it too."

I looked at my shoes then, unable to meet his eyes that still permeated a warmth, an understanding.

"You didn't know how much of a committment a bond was. Ben did and he still let you do it when he shouldn't have. Don't think I am in any way mad at you, Olivia, okay? The fact that you care for the two boys I love most in this world shows what a lovely heart you have."

Feeling the stinging sensation behind my eyes, I had to take a deep breath before I looked back up at him. "I don't mean to—"

He shook his head. "If only you didn't have witch's warts... You seem like you desperately need a hug dear. Look, I'm in no way blaming you. Ben's at fault for forcing the relationship on you. You should have had plenty of time to date and explore your feelings before such a committment. You and Ben may not be a perfect fit right now. You probably have heaps of growing to do still. And if your heart is leaning towards Lukas, you should go for it, explore what that is. 

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now