27: How Do I Taste?

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After we said goodbye to Lukas, Erica, and Jayce, Ben wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him as we walked towards the tube station.

"You really don't need to walk me home," I said.

"I know," he replied. "But I want to make sure you get home safely."

I rolled my eyes. At that moment, I felt giddy. But a part of me knew even then that eventually that was going to start to bug me.

As we neared the underground, a lady sitting under a pile of blankets stood up, walking over to us.

"Could you spare some change, love?" she slurred at me.

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything." I turned to look to Ben for help, but he was seething at her.

He dragged me in front of him, moving me around until I was on the other side of him and began ushering me forward.

"Ben," I started, feeling the hostility in his touch.


"Surely you have some spare cash."

We stopped walking and he glanced at me. "She was drunk, Olivia. She probably spent all of her money on alcohol which is how she ended up there."

I took a step away from him, squirming out of his grip.

"What?" he asked, a little peeved.

"That's cruel."

"What is?"

"Your attitude. She can't help if she was born into unfortunate circumstances and could only cope through alcohol. You're loaded with money. Spare her ten pounds."

He rolled his eyes at me. My heart began to sink as I stared at the man I found so warm previously, now tinged with unfamiliarity. It began to dawn on me that I really didn't know Ben too well yet.

But then he heaved a sigh and stepped forward, grabbing both of my hands in his. "Would you feel better if I did?"

I nodded.

"You know it will only help her this once, right? It won't fix her life."

"I know. But at least she will have a meal."

He stepped forward, placing a kiss on my cheek, before saying, "Wait here." He hurried back down the footpath towards the lady.

As I waited where he left me, a group of drunken men stumbled out of the nearby pub, slurring and yowling as they walked past me. However, two of the men at the edge of the group came to a stop as their eyes made contact with me.

The shorter one looked me up and down before his eyes settled on my skirt.

My hands instinctively shot down, pulling the hem as far down as I could.

"You look lost, love. Can we help 'ya?" he asked, a sly smirk on his face.

"No thank you. I'm just waiting for my boyfriend," I said.

The other chortled. "Is that an Australian accent?"

I shrugged. "What of it?"

"I always wanted to fuck an Aussie." His raked over me, searing through me in a way that made me feel gross in my own skin.

"You're drunk. Please leave me alone."

But then he took a step closer, his hand grabbing me by the wrist. "You should come with us. We will be more fun than your boyfriend who isn't even here by the way!"

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now