29: Fairy Plans

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I woke up to a series of texts from Marli.

Marli: Oh my gosh.

Marli: Is that seriously him?

Marli: How did you manage to grab him?

Marli: Not that you're not pretty or anything. But damnnnnn! That boy is fine!

Rolling my eyes, I responded:

Me: Through the help of magic

Marli: Fine. Don't tell me your secrets.

Marli: Have your pics, you devil.

I sent her some laughing face emojis alongside a thanks, then opened the pictures.

Looking at the familiar pages, I gently stroked the screen, a myriad of memories and nostalgia washing over me. Back when Marli and I were younger. Just kids, sitting on the library floor, noses deep in the books. Running around the garden pretending to be fairies.

The pages she sent didn't have any detailed descriptions, just hand-drawn pictures of rolling hills, a castle, and a fairy circle front and centre.

This is going to be difficult.

I forwarded the pictures off to Ben, who responded with:

Ben: Good morning to you too.

Me: Oh yeah. Good morning!

He sent me a series of laughing faces and then:

Ben: Pick you up after work. Have a good day.

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November 2017

Time passed the way time does. Some days were slow, some quicker. Next I knew it was nearing the end of November. Most leaves had fallen off the trees by now as the biting cold crept into the air. I had only a month left of the term to go.

The drizzle outside meant most of our activities were indoors now. But I didn't mind.

It was Friday evening, I had finished my classes for the week, had dinner with Ben, and now we were curled up on the couch in the media room. My legs over his, his arm around me. My head on his shoulder. Yet despite our proximity, it still wasn't close enough.

We had just started The Handmaid's Tale, and while the plot points of the show should have simultenously engrossed and horrified me, all I could think about was how desperately I wanted to kiss Ben and drag him up to his bedroom.

My sudden shift in emotion didn't go unnoticed, as Ben turned to look at me, eyes narrowed.

"I don't think this is a scene that should be causing such emotions from you," he mumbled, lips so close to my ear that I could feel his warm breath sending shivers down my neck.

I turned my head, lips meeting his. At once, my lust echoed within him. His free hand fumbled for the remote, pressing pause on the TV before he enveloped me with his arms, pulling me on top of him. My legs straddled his, my hair formed a curtain around us. His teeth gently pulled on my bottom lip, causing a groan from me.

"I want you," I whispered.

He pulled back, staring at me, touch sending various emotions at me: lust, love, nervousness, concern, sadness.

"What?" I asked him, pressing my lips down his neck when he wouldn't speak.

In response, he tilted his head, giving me better access to him, hands winding down my back, hovering just above my butt.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now