34: Bite Me

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After a long—but fun—night of food, conversation, and games, Ben and I finally retreated to the bedroom for the evening.

The moment the door closed behind us, he pulled me into his arms. "What are you nervous about?" he asked.

Sighing into his chest, I wrapped my arms around him. "You remembered that?"

"Of course." I could feel his lips on my hair. "Talk to me, Olivia."

I shrugged. "Just... Not sure which part. But the whole fairy thing..."

"What about it?"

"Whether I am one... if it even works... Whether..."

"It's okay. You can say it," he said softly.

"Whether you will even want me if I'm not..."

"Oh honey." He pulled me even tighter into his arms and pressed kisses onto my head. "Human, fairy, unicorn... whatever you are, I will love you, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

I nodded into his chest. "Promise?"

"I promise."

While I had more concerns, I knew talking to Ben wouldn't fix them. And just his confirmation that what I am wouldn't matter was enough for now.

I pulled back slightly, only to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his head down until his lips met mine.

We kissed slowly for a while, until the heat began to arise for both of us.

The kiss deepened. Then next I knew he was picking me up and laying me on the bed.

His tongue caressed mine, roaming my mouth deeper and deeper. And then he stopped, slowly pulling back, teeth latching onto my bottom lip.

All at once, as I felt some pressure dig into my lip, my toes curled inwards and my hands knotted deeply into his hair. A small moan came from my mouth as my body burst with pleasure.

His tongue traced over my inner lip and he emanated an overwhelming amount of lust... almost similar to the one time he licked my knees, but this time more intense.

As he turned his head to kiss me from another angle, I tasted the rusty liquid in my mouth. My hands came to the front, stopping him from coming back down on my lips.

"What did I do?" he asked, eyes going wide.

"Did you... did you bite me?"

He stared at me momentarily, shocked, before a sheepish grin spread across his face and he climbed off me, laying down on the bed beside me. "Sorry... I got caught up in it all... I should have asked." He ran his free hand through his hair.

I shook my head, climbing back over him, straddling his hips with my legs. "Why did that feel so good?" I asked, eagerly.

Ben's eyes widened, surprised by my response. But then a sly smile spread over his face as he weaved his fingers through my hair, playing with one of my locks. "When a vampire has tasted someone's blood before... the next time they bite them they can emit a concoction of chemicals that allow for the bitee to have a rush of endorphins."

"That felt almost as good as an orgasm," I said, feeling breathless already as I lowered my head closer to him, wanting more. Craving more.

"It does mimic similar... chemical releases."

Unable to withstand more of the talk, I pressed my lips down onto his once more, mumbling, "Do it again," against his mouth.

He growled, flipping me back onto my back as his tongue plunged into my mouth, before he pulled back and bit my lip once more.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now