42: Mixed Feelings

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Ben and Jayce took off to get some groceries for the evening, leaving Lukas, Erica, and myself in the apartment.

However, Erica stepped outside momentarily to take some business calls.

"I had a new idea with Rüdiger," Lukas said when we were alone.

"Did you?"

He nodded. "Ben doesn't like it though."

"You spoke to him about it?"

He sighed. "While you were having a shower earlier. He shut it down straight away."

I could already feel my jaw clenching and the anger boiling inside me. "Please don't tell me it involves me."

"It does."

"He's fucking ridiculous," I spewed, getting to my feet.

"Sit down, Ollie. It's okay."

"It's not okay, Lukas. He just said he'd let me make my own decisions and talk with me more but I didn't have any clue about this and he's already shutting it down?"

"Maybe he was going to talk to you about it tonight."

The anger subdued slightly with that thought, but still bubbled underneath. "But he did shut it down."

"He did."

"What's the plan?"

"I promised I wouldn't tell you."

I breathed in deeply, eyes closing before exhaling. "But you're going to?" I reopened my eyes.

Lukas shrugged. "I get why he is reserved. It's risky."

Tight lips, I folded my hands over my lap. "I have an idea."


"How about we actually have these conversations in front of me."


I shook my head. "I know you don't want to upset Ben. But I deserve to know if it involves me."

He went quiet, so I decided to keep talking.

"How about tomorrow you bring your idea up in front of all of us and we discuss it as one big group. That way you aren't alone with Ben if he decides to get mad about it. Consider it having backup."

"As in... with Erica and Jayce?"


"Oh boy."

"That way we all get to decide. We can work as a team and I will be included."

"And if Ben rejects it still even if you're on board?"

"Then you three will have some entertainment as I try to rip his head off."

A grin spread across Lukas's face. "I love how feisty you are sometimes, Ollie. You show him who is boss."

"If you're not careful, I'll show you who is boss."

He leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand, a burning fire in his eyes as he bit against his bottom lip before he said, "Maybe I'd like that."

Eyes wide, I got to my feet, backing away from him. My hands were getting sweaty. Why was I nervous suddenly?

"Wait... Ollie... I didn't mean..."

"I'm going to go now." I turned around, away from his alarmed gaze.

"Ollie, I wasn't trying to hit on you," he called out after me as I retreated to the bedroom. "Ollie!"

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now