41: Inked Identity

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Jayce rarely ever spoke in most situations, letting Erica normally do the talking for him. But the moment Lukas announced what our plan for today was (help me find my magic), his eyes lit up.

"So the feeling of magic differs for each person," he started.

We all sat on the ground, legs crossed. Ben lounged in a chair by the fire, reading a book and staying out. He felt a little helpless and I could see he was worried about me, but he knew he had to relinquish the help to the magic folk this time around.

"You might feel it as a spark in your head or your chest," Jayce continued. "It might appear as a tingle through the centre of your limbs. It could be a silky feeling running over all your skin. You need to tap into what that feeling is before we can think about channeling it and using it."

"Okay. So what's the first step?"

"Close your eyes."

And I did.

"Everyone hold hands."

I reached for Erica's hand and then Lukas's. But the moment my fingers graced Lukas's skin, he yelped.

"That hurts way more now, zappy!" he complained.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

He shook his head. "I won't be able to concentrate like this." And so Jayce and Lukas traded places so that we could all hold hands.

"Have you ever meditated, Ollie?" Jayce asked.

"Maybe once."

"What we are about to do is a little like that. First start by focussing on your breath. Notice the rise and fall. The speed. The way your chest moves up and your belly expands. Don't think about any worries you have, focussing your thoughts just on the movement of your breath. Imagine your lungs as a balloon, blowing up with each breath in, and deflating with each breath out."

I don't know how long we did that for, but it felt like forever. Nonetheless, a sense of calm washed over me as I focussed on only my breathing. In. Out. Inhale. Exhale.

After some time had passed in silence, Jayce spoke again. "Now, I want you to think about an imaginary ball of light hovering over your head. Picture that light entering into your body, spreading down the back of your neck, slowly spreading down your arms, past your elbows, through your hands, before circling back up the length of your arms to your shoulders. Now imagine the light channeling through the centre of your body, through your heart. Let the light travel through your legs, feeling it as it moves through the bends of your crossed legs and release it out your toes."

It was easy to imagine this ball of light as Jayce spoke.

"Now we will do that same thing again, without me talking. As you do it, I want you to do it really slowly and pay very close attention to how it feels. Where does it feel the strongest? Take that light all over your body."

He went quiet and I started feeling that ball of light, moving it through my body. I imagined my arms lit from within, my back glowing, my heart radiating. Every part of me lit up as I moved that ball of light.

When I let it exit, I whispered, "It was everywhere."

Jayce let go of my hand and commanded everyone to do the same. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Now that you know it's everywhere, I want you to imagine that light again. Rather than slowly letting it travel, bring it to your heart and let it spread everywhere at once."

I closed my eyes and did as he said. My body felt alight, a buzz making my skin tingle all over.

"Do you feel it?"

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now