46: First Time

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The next morning we packed all of our belongings into the car and headed northwards to the Giant's Causeway. It was obviously closed to tourists, but nothing a little magic couldn't help with. Under Jayce and Erica's cloaking shield, we walked past all the security measures and down the pathway down to the shoreline.

"This is ridiculous!" I exclaimed, unable to take my eyes away from the hexagonal rocks beneath my feet.

I looked up at the nearest person, which was Jayce. "Was it actually a Giant's bridge?"

"Or a wall. But yes. Giants used to live here a long time ago," he replied.

"I wonder if my people got along with them," I found myself whispering.

"I bet they did," Lukas said, coming up beside me, sharing a small smile.

I watched Jayce run over to Ben and Erica who were standing by the tallest columns. With the rush of the wind drowning out a lot of noise, I whispered to Lukas, "Do you think they can hear us over there?"

"I doubt it."

"What's wrong?"

He glanced at me, warily. "Nothing."

"You've been different to me."

"I've been nothing but nice."

"Nice but... distant. I hate it."

He heaved a sigh.

"Is this about the crush you have?"

His brows furrowed as he looked at me. "How do you know⁠—"

"Ben told me you two spoke about some crush you have and you don't want to tell me about it?"

He exhaled deeply, obviously trying his best to keep his voice calm. "Fucking Ben," he said though.

"Why can't you try with her?"

"I just can't, Ollie."

"I think you should."

"Do you?"



"Because you're an exceptional guy and any girl would be an idiot to not accept you."

There was an indistinguishable glint in his eyes as he looked back at me, but it disappeared in an instant as he shook his head, a familiar Lukas smile spreading across his face. "Hey Ollie?"


"Think fast." All of a sudden a large wave came out of the water, splashing me all over. My eyes closed instinctually as the water drenched my clothes. The cool wind blew against my wet clothes and I began to shiver. Eyes opened, I searched for Lukas, but he was already halfway over to the others, walking backwards, a devilish grin across his face.

"Get back here you jerk!" I screamed at him, running as fast as I could over the hexagonal ground.

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The last night of our trip was in Dublin. We spent the afternoon walking through the city, taking in the landmarks and sights, before getting dinner together. Yet for the evening, we all had our individual rooms in a hotel a short drive from the airport. Ben and I obviously were sharing a room for the night.

As we stood in the elevator on the way up to our room, holding hands while Lukas stood to my right, Erica and Jayce to his left, I began to feel the nervous pit in my stomach.

We had shared a room before. We shared his bedroom. But this was the first time we were going to be truly alone in a room for the night. With thick walls deadening any noise.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now