9: He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not

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The movie finished, and the room quickly flooded with light once more.

Ben had done as he promised, whispering all sorts of explanations into my ear along the way.

But, to be honest, it was to no avail.

When he was properly seated in his chair, I was too lost with what was going on in the movie and half distracted when his thumb would change direction in movement on my hand.

And when he leaned in... his warm breath on my ear was all I could pay attention to, his words bouncing off with no chance of sinking in.

"Did you want to have dinner together?" Jade asked, evidently speaking to the both of us as we exited the theatre.

Ben shook his head. "I will be keeping Olivia to myself this evening."

My heart fluttered in delight, and I did my best to hide my smile in my hair before anyone noticed.

But Jade's eyes were already burning into me, a grin stealing her face. As I met her forest-green stare, she winked at me. "I'll see you next time then, Olivia."

Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a brief hug before slipping her hand back into Loren's. Without a word further, the pair walked away from us... leaving me with him... alone.

Ben started tugging on my hand, causing me to start moving.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"I know a place," he explained.

Informative, I thought, but I didn't press further. I'd have been happy to just walk around London as we were, hands locked together, immersed in my moment of bliss.

But I didn't have to wait long. Just down the road from the cinema was an eclectic Italian restaurant that Ben pulled me into. With only a few seats inside, I quickly realised they were all taken.

I gave Ben a confused look as we walked inside, but before I could say anything, he dropped my hand.

And my heart dropped in response.

"I have a reservation for Benjamin Cross," he said to the hostess.

A reservation? My mind immediately demanded, but I bit my tongue, trying not to seem too eager.

"Just this way, Mr Cross," the hostess said, leading us through the dining area to an open courtyard that housed more seating out the back.

"Wow," I gasped, taking in the twinkling lights, candlelit tables, and vines growing up the wooden posts that framed the perimeter.

Ben grinned at me. "Good choice?"

I was only capable of giving him a nod back.

When we had reached our table, Ben pulled out a chair for me, indicating for me to sit.

With knots in my stomach, I tentatively sat down.

As Ben joined me, he cocked his head to the side, gaze searching my face. "What?"

"No one has held a chair out for me before," I mumbled. The feminist in me wanted to get up him for thinking I couldn't pull out my own chair, but the romantic side of me was adding another tally to her whiteboard of proof that Ben may actually like me.

He grinned in response. "Glad I can take one first of yours."

I looked down at the menu, pretending to be very intrigued. But as my eyes glanced over the meals, none of the words sank in. I was too conscious of his eyes still burning into me from across the table. But finally he looked away, and I could feel the air flood my lungs at once... as though it might be one of the last chances it gets.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now