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"But-but-but this sex will cloud your memory
A couple strokes to put it in, then you'll belong to me"


"Grazie" I thanked the driver that dropped of us to what seemed like Clarissa's house since she took out the keys opening up the two big doors. I stood behind my tall fiancé trying to cover myself from the cold while hearing the loud ass music blasting from outside. I peeked beside Gabriel seeing the raging party had already began and Gabriel grabbed my hand leading me inside the warm house.

(Thank you)

As we got closer I could see how fancy these people were, drinking wine in the corner, dancing in the middle of the room, dressing in expensive looking dresses. I look around nervously hoping I wouldn't have to meet anymore of his large family.

"Gabriela!" Luna yelled behind me and she yanked me from Gabriel pulling me to a group of people for me to meet. I turned back and he just smiled letting me get dragged away by his aunt.

"Vai avanti e comportati come se non fossi qui" Gabriel mouthed and I nodded my head focusing my attention back on Luna feeling a bit relief that I get to drink a lot.

( Go ahead and act like I'm not here )

"Do you want a drink?" She asked moving close to me and I nodded my head hesitantly.


( Thank you )

I followed Luna into the kitchen where most of the woman were at and she handed me a fancy bottle of beer. I opened it using the bottle opener and sniffed it before taking a sip. The burning feeling went down to my throat and I closed my eyes as I tasted it making a disgusting face after.

"Questa è Gabriela ... Gabriela questi sono i miei amici" Luna introduced me to her friends and I shyly waved at them then taking a big sip so I can try and get a little less shy. I look around still drinking getting used to the strong taste.

I spotted Gabriel in the living room talking with some guys and he looked up as if he knew I was watching him, Gabriel mouthed if I was okay and I nodded my head even though I wanted to be with him. I focus my attention back on the group and took another sip, breathing in feeling less anxious and decided to speak to some of them.

( This is Gabriela... Gabriela these are my friends )


"Quell'anello è così bello, dove l'hai preso?" One of Luna's friend said grabbing my hand and she smiled staring at me while showing me hers.

( That ring is so beautiful, where did you get it? )

"Non lo so" I laughed finishing the fourth bottle of beer and Zoe just continued to dance to the music.

( I don't know )

"Gaby do you want some more beer or wine?" Clarissa came up to me holding the glass and bottle and I grabbed the beer alreading used to the taste.

"T-Thank you" Luna smiled drinking the wine and she joined Zoe and I dancing in the middle of the crowd. I felt hot and sweaty and it feels like it's been hours and I was having fun, something I haven't had in a while. I haven't seen Gabriel in a while but I knew he was probably in the living room still.

"Shake those hips girl!" Luna said behind me, placing her hand on my hips. I drank the whole bottle in one gulp while dancing against Luna who was hyping me up and moving her hips along with mine.

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