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"I learned to love you, the way you need
'Cause I know what's pain, this is not the same"


"Your mom and Aubrey are coming to the appointment? When I asked if they wanted to come to the one last time they said no..." I placed my hand on my boyfriends pants feeling him jump up slightly.

"Gabriela... your hand is on my dick and I'm driving" He said looking at me briefly then turning into the parking lot. I roll my eyes and move my hand away quickly saying sorry.

"Speaking about my mom and Aubrey... I don't know why she couldn't come last time but it's nice to see you spending a lot of time with her" He parks the car and I sigh heavily wondering why they truly came.

"I need to talk to your father..." I got out the car and Gabe follows behind me. I look at him suspicious of his behavior and everyone's lately. Yesterday I had walked in on Aubrey, Jayden, Gabriel in the office on his computer. Gabriel was the one who kicked me out when I asked them what they were doing. They've been doing some shady shit lately and I didn't like it.

"I can't wait to know what I'm having" Gabriel catches up to me and laces our hands together. We enter the hospital and walk inside the waiting room seeing Aubrey and Valentina sitting down but they get up once we get inside the room.

"Hi gravidanza ti sta bene ... you look very pretty, how are you doing?" She said placing her hands on my belly and I give her a hug.

(pregnancy looks good on you)

"I'm doing great, how are you?" She nodded her head saying good and I cocked my head to the side trying to pretend I understood what she said before that.

"She said pregnancy looks good on you" Gabe laughs and I thank her.

"Martinez?" A nurse walks in the room and Aubrey wraps her arms with mine as we follow the nurse.

"Quando hai intenzione di proporre?" I heard Valentina say behind us and Aubrey giggles against my shoulder making me stare at her weirdly.

(When are you going to propose?)

"Presto mamma" Gabriel said. We get inside the medium size room and I sat down on the exam bed. Everyone else was sitting down on the chairs, I was so anxious just waiting to find out what I'm having. A few silent minutes later Caitlin comes in the room.

(Soon mother)

"Hi Gaby... you know what?, everytime I see you you get prettier each time" Caitlin said and I smile lifting up my shirt, she grabs the ultrasound machine and squirts the cold jelly on my belly.

"You're five months pregnant... you're all probably nervous to find out the baby's genders" I look around, seeing Gabriel holding onto his mother's hand, making me smile.

"So is there any way you would like to find out the genders? Do you want me to say it out loud or write it down?" She said looking between Gabe and I but before I can speak up Aubrey speaks.

"Can you write it down in a envelope?" Aubrey asks and Caitlin looks over at me for approval.

"Yeah that's fine" I said and Caitlin circles the machine on my stomach for a while and then writes down on the envelope and hands it to me but Aubrey quickly snatches it out my hand and places it in her purse.

"Aubrey Claire King what are you doing?" I say wiping off the jelly from my stomach and she looks at me all innocently.

"I can't have you knowing the gender yet... I will be the only person knowing for now until.." She said opening her phone and then looks back up at me counting in her mind.

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