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"You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you"


"The ex wife's kid is in that room and your kids are in here" I turn him around and raise my hand smacking him upside the head with the gun, knocking him out.

"Nice" I hear Gabriel say behind me. I kept the gun in my hand and kicked the door open making the female nurse's jump. I look at them both holding the babies and I take out the gun pointing it at them.

"Gabriela calm down they're just nurses" Gabriel said grabbing the gun from my hand gently and the nurses placed the babies back in the small cribs and ran past us, squealing . I sighed happily and picked up Irene while Gabriel picked up Luca.

"Boss?" I heard someone say from outside the room. We turned around and there stood a man over Thomas's unconscious body. The man's eyes widened, he obviously figured out who we were.

He reached into his back pocket but before anything can happen he dropped onto the floor landing on top of Thomas. I saw Ariel holding the gun up as she tried to pick up Alessandro who was the verge of passing out.

"Get out of here" Ariel said and I rolled my eyes walking over the two bodies. We headed down the steps, I felt the cold wind hit my legs and I look back seeing Ariel coming out but she was being followed by Thomas.

"I want the gun" I looked at Gabriel but he ignored me.

"Give me the gun!" I raised my voice and Gabriel gave me a look, I rolled my eyes and looked back at Ariel.

"I'm shooting the bastard" Gabe pulled out the gun and I moved back letting him shot Thomas who quickly held onto his chest where Gabriel had shot at. I guess Gabriel wasn't satisfied from that and shot him again aiming at his dick.

"You shot his..." I began to say baffled and looked away quickly. Ariel and Alessandro quickly got inside the car and he handed me Luca. I got in the car and Gabriel drove off quickly as I held both of my babies tightly, I couldn't help but look down at them seeing their eyes looking everywhere and their little arms scrunched up.


I kicked the front door open slightly with my heel and walked in side the warm house, making my way up the stairs into the nursery. I placed the twins in their own cribs and slowly rocked it while watching them fall back asleep. I felt cold hands on my exposed back and I jumped up slightly seeing Gabriel towering me.

"I'll have our doctor come in and check on them" He said and I nodded my head staying silent.

"I'm assuming you're going to come back since the kids are safe... right?" He said and I turned around.

"I don't think I should... you said some pretty hurtful things to me b-"

"And so did you. I'm not the only bad guy here Gabriela" He cut me off and I looked back at the twins. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside our room since I didn't want to wake them up.

"I know but you didn't give me a chance to fucking finish... alright. I realized I made a mistake leaving but that doesn't mean I'm not mad at you" He ran his hand through his hair.

"Then come back and we can talk it out like adults, we can't fix this if we don't speak to each other. I won't fucking do it over the phone either Gabriela"

"I'll come back then!" I yelled out of anger and he tried coming close to me but I held my hands out pushing him back not wanting to close right now.


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