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"It can get ugly, huh
Would you leave or stay like you love me?"


I groaned as I woke up trying to move but my legs felt sore and heavy. I looked down onto my chest seeing Gabriel's thick arm on top of me, with his hand on my boob groping it loosely. I moved his arm off slowly and stood up quietly looking down at all our clothes thrown everywhere throughout the floor. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and realized I had sex... with my boss. With whom I had sex with...

While holding my groans because of the pain in my legs, I walked inside the warm bathroom. I quickly held onto the counter feeling that my legs were going to give out at any minute. I look into the mirror seeing my under eyes black from the mascara and hickies spread all around my neck, finishing on my breast.

"Fucking bastard..." I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I turned on the shower to it's hottest and went in letting the heat fog up the glass. I ran a hand through hair and went under the shower completely, sighing feeling my legs soothe in the hot water.


"I'm so fucking tired..." Jennie walked inside the kitchen and I handed her a cup of coffee.

"Tell me about it" I muttered placing my lips against the coffee mug, feeling it burn my tongue slightly.

"Not to mention when we came to the house, there were two loud people in their room enjoying themselves..." She said making my eyes widened.

"You and Gabriel were the only two who left early meaning... you guys finally had sex!" Jennie squealed and I shushed her incase someone was listening.

"Yeah we did... I just can't believe we really did it you know"

"Bitch you're no longer a fucking virgin and you can fuck him whenever you want" She said and I laughed nodding my head.

"Yeah I know... I don't even know how many times we did it last night... my legs fucking hurt" I leaned in and her eyes widened in horror.

"How the fuck are you standing right now?" She looked down at my legs then back at me.

"I had to sit down in the shower for a bit before I came down here... I might not show it but my legs hurt a lot" I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I stood up straight and came in Victoria looking she came crawling out of a cave.

"Morning" Victoria sat down on the stool next to Jennie. I poured in the already made coffee into the mug and passed it down to her.

"I'm never drinking again for the rest of the month" Victoria groaned.

"Count me in" Jennie agreed and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" I asked hearing the many footsteps coming down. I make eye contact with Jennie and I turn away opening the fridge blocking the view from the entrance. I grab eggs and bacon from the fridge hearing the footsteps stopping.

"Morning" Manuel said and I closed the fridge and looked at Manuel seeing Gabriel standing behind him. I looked away grabbing a bowl from the cabinet and began cracking the eggs.

"I'm going to the living room... Jennie and Manuel let's go" I heard Victoria say behind me and I looked back seeing that it was only Gabriel and I in the large white kitchen.

"Hi" Was all I could say and he walked up to me grabbing me by my waist placing my back against his front.

"You didn't even say good morning to me when you woke up..." He whispered in my ear, I pushed him back with my elbow and took out the pan that was in the cabinet next to the stove.

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