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"I'm gonna make you want more (more)
I'm gonna be your new favorite
Tell 'em you're closing the door
I am the only for sure, baby"


"I can't believe you hid that from me... I hate you" I say crawling on top him and he places his warm hands on my thighs moving his thumb back and forth slowly watching me closely. I reached back grabbing our huge blanket from his feet and I placed it over Gabriel's legs and around my waist.

"Your reaction was something I looked forward too when I had this planned out... it almost made me cry" He said sitting up slightly and kissed my lips lightly then laid back down sighing, I felt my face heat up and I moved my hair out off my face.

"I love you so much... I haven't felt pretty in a while" I said glancing at the small family picture of us on his nightstand making me smile.

"You always look pretty bambina, don't say that shit like that" I rolled my eyes but it was true, it was hard for me to feel pretty when I was this huge.

"But you should have cried-"

"If I started crying in front of you then I would have been called a pussy" His eyes scanned my body up and down and he had this boyish smile on his lips.

"Omg you're still hung up on that.. it was months ago let it go already" I sighed feeling his hands sliding more up my thighs.

"I wanna cut my hair" I watched his eyes get wider and he sits making me sit on his legs.

"No baby I love your long hair" He said taking a chunk of my hair and moved it in front of me showing me the long length. I sighed annoyed with my hair, it was getting harder to wash my hair since I was getting tired more easily, it was a bit overwhelming for me to do my hair how I like it. My hair was just in the way of things and I wanted it at least at bra length which would be cutting off a couple of inches of my waist length hair.

"It's way too long and I can't even wash it in the shower without my back hurting or being out of breath. Actually I can't even wash my own hair, you have to do it for me..." I felt his hand slowly combing through my hair and I watched his face a bit sad by this fact.

"And I don't mind doing it for you, I'll continue to do it for you for as long as I have to... I really do like your long hair baby" He tried reassuring me but I shook my head not changing my mind.

"Come on all you have to do is put on a shirt and we can go do it today" I said looked down at the tank top and leggings I had on. Gabriel sighed and I stood off of him watching as he stood up reluctantly and walked inside the closet. I followed behind him and placed on my Ugg slides and I quickly went back into the room before Gabriel came out and I grabbed my wallet.


"Can you cut it at... the bra band length" I asked the lady and she nodded her head, complimenting my long hair before she places the clear cloth over me. I watched nervously as she ties my hair into small sections, I look in the mirror my eyes meeting with Gabriel and I laugh seeing his nervous smile watching me intensely. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down slightly not moving my head.

Aren't you cutting off a bit too much?

I bit my lip trying to hide my smile and I heard the first snip of the scissor cut a small chunk, as I began to text him back.

It's enough, you think I don't know why you want my hair long other than it being pretty?

I turned my phone off seeing him with a cold face which makes me smile and I felt the weight of my hair slowly disappearing with every cut. A few minutes passed and she turns on the blow dryer, blowing away any hair on me. After fixing up the ends a bit she curls my ends quickly and takes off the cloth letting me inspect the length.

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