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"You never know when you're gonna meet someone"


"Hey I checked on your website and it said that you're looking to hire... are you guys still hiring by any chance?" I asked walking inside the coffee shop, enjoying the strong smell of it.

"Sorry ma'am we forgot to update our website in a while. We aren't hiring right now but let me give you this card" She turned around grabbing the black card and handed it to me. "My friend had this nanny job, it pays good but she's getting fired" I nodded my head saying thank you.

"Thank you" I muttered leaving the cafe. I got inside my white car, examining the black matte business card, I see the phone number and name on the back and call it. I drive out of my parking spot connecting my phone to the car hearing them pick up on the second ring.

"Hello? You're speaking with Mr.King's assistant with whom am I speaking to?" The lady asked and I hear sounds of her typing.

"Yes... hello my name is Gabriela. I heard you guys were hiring for a nanny? Is that job still available?" Suddenly she stopped typing and she took deep breath before typing again. I stopped at a red light waiting for her response.

"Yes the offer is still up, I'll have to transfer you to the boss" I took right entering my buildings garage. I parked into my spot and waited for the call to be transferred before I can go upstairs.

"This is Mr.King speaking" I could hear the thick Italian accent and I raise the volume feeling a sense of familiarity.

"Your assistant transferred me to you..."

"For the nanny job I assume... I'll have my assistant send you the details about the job. I'll need you to bring a few things with you for proof that you qualify... the interview will be in two days the address would be sent to you the day of" He said quickly, then hanging up the phone abruptly. I grabbed my phone from the passenger seat and stare at the phone in confusion. I groaned annoyed and grabbed my keys and purse leaving my car. I walked to the elevator and I pressed to button to our floor instantly hearing the music blasting from our apartment.

I opened the door revealing Jennie singing horribly in her lacy burgundy lingerie.

"How do I look bonita?" She spins around showing off the scandalous lingerie.


"Yeah you do...what about the actual clothes? Who are you going on a date with?" Jennie turned down the music a bit and she smiled happily while I placed my phone and keys on the coffee table. I leaned against the grey couch waiting for her to answer but I bet it's her ex.

"Yes it's that person that you're thinking about. He said it would just be the two of us so I'm excited... anyways how did job hunting go?... Did you find anything?"

"I did, a nanny job. I have to go an interview in two days" I ran my hand through my hair feeling relieved about finally getting a interview.

"Mhm nanny job huh? you know what they say about those kinds of jobs you fall for the hot boss...." I laughed shaking my head.

"Jennie get your head out of your ass... I can't depend on my inheritance from my parents anymore... I need to start making my own money and I heard it pays well so let's pray I get it"

"I know... and I hope you get the job too mija" Jennie hugs me and I quickly place my hands on her waits pushing her away from me.

"Hug me when you have clothes on please" I go inside my room and shut the door behind me feeling tired. I hear Jennie laughing and I turn off the light letting the sunset seep through the blinds. I strip out of my clothes and climb into bed turning on the tv to the last episode of Degrassi I left on but eventually I fell asleep.

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