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"I ain't talking money, I'm just physically obsessed
And I'm greedy
'Cause I'm so greedy"


"Ava?" I knocked on her door waiting for her to respond but nothing. It was the day after Gabriel got arrested and it was really quiet around the house. The two eldest when to school this morning meanwhile Ava stayed behind because she wasn't had a fever. The rest of the family was on edge with the whole police thing. I ended telling everyone at the end of the day, Ava was the only one who didn't know where her farther was. I worried about Gabriel, I didn't if he would be home soon and Alex wouldn't tell me anything either.

I opened the door when I didn't get a response after a while and I peeked my head around the door seeing her laying down watching her tablet. I sighed and she looked up at me then turned away so her back was now facing me.

"Ava I need to talk to you" I closed the door behind me and walked over to her bed sitting down by her feet.

"I don't want to talk to you" She said and I felt bad knowing she wasn't happy about the baby just like her grandfather who ended up leaving before his family.

"Come on sit up" She slowly sat up and looked up at me in an emotionless expression, sniffling.

"Are you not happy about your brother or sister?"I asked and she nods her head.

"What if you and daddy don't love me anymore because of the new baby" She sniffles and I bring her onto my lap hugging her tightly feeling her warmth.

"Ava we will always love you and when the baby comes we may spend a little more time with them but that doesn't mean we love you any less... it's just that sometimes baby need a little extra attention " I said and she nodded her head as she stared at me with doe eyes.

"Okay mommy, I love you" Ava said and I looked down in shock, I felt my heart beat faster and I ran my hand through her hair trying to stay calm. She didn't realize it but it was probably a mistake.

"Do you want to take a nap?" I placed my hand on her forehead and felt that she was getting hot again. The tired little girl nodded her head and laid down while I stood up and went inside her bathing grabbing a small towel from the small cabinet and wetting it. I went back inside the room and placed it on her forehead, I rubbed her back waiting until she fell asleep to take off the wet towel.

I moved the hair out her face and sat down next to her for a few minutes making sure she was really asleep. I stood up quietly walking out the room and closing the door behind me.


"He can't even call me?..." I looked up at the blank tv.

"Not yet Gabriela... I haven't gotten anything from him, as soon as I find something I'll tell you" I hung up on Alex and placed the phone on my lap. Gabriel's been gone for one day but I missed him already.

"Are you sure you don't want to go out and eat?..." I heard Jennie's voice echo throughout the house as I hear the front door open.

"Yeah, Ava isn't feeling well and everytime I eat I want to throw up" I lie down on the couch hearing the sounds of her heels coming closer. Once I heard it stop I looked to the side seeing Jennie staring at me, with her hand on her hip.

"So what... you haven't been eating?" I shook my head not feeling hungry.

"I did eat... a while ago"

"Babe you're pregnant you can't be doing that shit. That's going to make Gabriel worry even more, don't starve yourself... but you know it's not like you haven't been away from Gabriel before" She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa as I groaned.

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