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"You wanna run with my love
I know you wanna
From the club to the tub
You said you wanna
Give me an all night hug, I bet you wanna"


"Aubrey you need to push the baby shower to tomorrow... if you do it today I wouldn't be able to make it" I quickly move the phone away from my ear knowing she was going to make a loud noise and she did sighing very loudly.

"Listen I'll have Gaby out the house tomorrow so you can decorate... today isn't a good day"

"Aw man.. I wanted to do it today" She said groaning.

"Aren't you out with your friends, go hang out with them Aubrey" I hung up the phone and look up when the office door opens revealing Dalvin.

"What are you doing here?" I asked getting up from my seat to take off my suit jacket.

"You said I can see my sister, I'm tired of waiting man it's been months" Dalvin looked up and I sat back down sighing.

"Gabriela is five months pregnant already. Dalvin she's in a critical place right now, this can cause her stress and something will happen to you if you see her now"

"Five months? Congrats again man. Honestly I don't understand why I'm even asking you to see my own sister. I don't need your fucking help" He ran out the office slamming the door angrily behind him.

"That's true... but I'm helping you so you won't cause a scene and hurt your fucking sister. I swear to god if you try to come near her without me knowing I will fucking kill you!" I yelled knowing he heard me from outside and I sigh turning on my computer, I pull up the schedule of the shipments, seeing that everything was good. I grab my phone and dial Ariel's new phone number that my men had dug out.

"What do you want?"

"Tell your husband that he owes me money for the container... if not then I'm coming after him and you" I hung up quickly not caring about what she had to say. I sighed heavily annoyed and I look up seeing the door open and Alex walks in with a boyish grin.

"I did something... last night " I look up watching him sit down on my desk while picking up a picture of Gaby and I.

"What is it now?" I sighed annoyed looking at computer, turning onto the security footage and keeping an eye on the containers.

"I cheated on Jennie" I looked up immediately dropping the papers that was in my hands.

"What the fuck?" No wonder why I saw her in the guest house this morning.

"I was hanging out with... I think you know who. I don't know what came over me but I kissed her... and next think you know we were in the living room together" He said with a smile on his lips and I watched as no signs of regret or sadness show up on his face.

"That's not right Alex..." I said shaking my head thinking about how Jennie must feel.

"You cheated on Ariel with Gabriela, what fucking difference does it make?" He raised his voice and look at him confused like he's lost his fucking mind.

"You dumbass I never cheated on Ariel with Gabriela. Ariel and I were divorced when I got with her, so yes it is a different fucking thing. Meanwhile you were with Jennie and decided to be a fucking dumbass and ruin a good relationship" I raised my voice too seeing him go quiet.

"I don't really fucking care anymore" He said. I looked at up Alex when my phone started to ring and I kicked him out my office. I looked down at the call seeing that Gabriela was facetiming me, I picked up and placed it against the computer screen seeing her beautiful self.

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