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"Now you're lost
Lost in the heat of it all"


"Just the girl I was hoping for" I woke up, groaning without realizing. I opened my eyes feeling the pounding in my head and I looked around trying to focus but the bright light above me was making it hard to do so. Once I adjusted to the bright ass light I looked around horrified and I felt the familiar feeling from the old warehouse I was in last time.

"What am I doing here?" I croaked, trying to move but my legs and arms were tied down to the old wooden chair. I looked around feeling dizzy and I look down seeing the line of blood that was dried, I blinked rapidly without knowing tears began falling down my cheeks and onto my thighs.

"I just wanted to chit chat" Ariel said walking towards me.

"You're such a cry baby Gabriela... look at you" I looked up through my tears seeing how awful she looked her hair was all over the place, she looked like she hasn't eaten in days and on top of that her clothes had holes and dirt all over. After taking in her appearance I look down at her hands seeing the pistol and for once I decided to keep my mouth shut for the sake of my babies.

"What did you do to me while I was sleeping?" I looked into her tired eyes watching as she mustered up a smile.

"Are you really questioning me right now?" She leaned in closer to my face letting me see her more.

"Yes... because I'm fucking bleeding somewhere and I want to know if it's from me or my babies you fucking bitch!" I bursted in anger tugging on the ropes and she moved away rolling her eyes.

"Oh that.... don't worry I don't want to hurt your babies trust me... I was trying to scare you thinking that I did and look it worked... you're so naive" I sighed in relief hoping that she wasn't lying but who knows.

"I need you to make a choice" She played with the pistol in her hand.

"Choice? For what?" I scrunched up my eyebrows confused.

"I just want to know... if you rather save your brother or yourself. If you don't pick then I will, it's a simple choice" I started getting angry and I breathed heavily trying to calm myself down.

"You think this is a fucking game to you, very fucking mature of you Ariel... it's so childish that your still out for revenge, no one gives a damn about you anymore. Why can't you get over it! Act like a fucking adult for once!" I yelled and she stared at me with a small frown. She pistol whipped me across the head and slowly I turned to look at her smiling watching the confused look on her face. I could feel something dripping down my face and I sighed heavily feeling the pounding getting stronger.

"I will never get over it until one of you dies... this would have never happened if that bastard never hired you to work for us. You don't fucking understand how you ruined everything... you ruined my life, all of this started because of you and it's gonna end with you bitch" She said walking around me.

"Ariel... anything could have happened, you guys were in the process of already divorcing. I didn't cause anything you delusional ass bitch. Both of you split because of your psycho ass..." I felt relieved but I didn't hear her anywhere around me. I hear something dragging against the floor and I looked beside me realizing it was Dalvin. My eyes widened and she smiled at me, dropping his unconscious body.

"I'm raising up the stakes now... so you better behave Gabriela or your brother gets it. I'm sure you love him very much... now I'll give you two new choices, your unborn babies or your brother?" Ariel walked away leaving Dalvin on the floor.

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