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"When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing"


"Why the hell is that any of your business? Whatever is going on with Gabriela and I is none of your fucking business Jayden and you should know better than to question it" I crossed my arms looking at him and he copies me with the same facial expression I've been told to have. He stood in silence and sat down on the chair behind him sighing deeply.

"Jayden... listen is this really about Gabriela and I? Or is this about your mother and I not being together anymore?" I softened my voice trying to understand him where he's coming from because this was probably hard for him.

"It's both... you and mom haven't been together for a month. And as for Gaby she's a good person, I just don't want her to get hurt by you or any of this mafia shit anymore" He said his voice softening too and Jayden looks at me.

"Jayden if you think I'm playing with Gabriela, I'm not, I'm taking this slow. You know I was married to your mother for years and I don't want things rushed between us. I'll make sure that Gaby won't get hurt anymore with the new security I hired, also I definitely won't hurt her" I said and he nodded his head.

"Alright dad... I just don't want someone I care about get hurt. What about the things you do... to people, are you going to tell her?" He asked and I sighed running my hand down my face. Jayden only knows to an extent what I've done but no the extreme things.

"It's too early to tell her... soon enough she'll start asking questions and I will answer them one at a time" I reassured him and he nodded his head once again.

"I didn't mean to yell at you like that... but you both were being loud when I was on my way to your room" I laughed shaking my head and he left the office. I waited a few minutes before leaving and I walked out the office, walking back in the room seeing Gabriela holding my phone.

"You're brother was calling... I didn't know whether or not to pick it up" She handed me my black phone.

"It's fine... you should have picked up" I picked up the call and placed it against my ear hearing him laughing.

"Yes?" I looked back at Gabriela seeing her pulling the comforter over her body, as she lied down.

"Mama invited us over for dinner tomorrow night, she texted you but you never responded so I'm being forced to call you" He said and I could hear my mother in the background and I rolled my eyes.

"Let me call her" I hung up the phone and called my mother, she picked up the phone instantly.

"Mama..." I sat down next to Gabriela. I brought my hand up combining it through her long dark brown hair hearing her hum in response.

"Gabriel? I called you... what were you doing?" My mother said her heavy Italian accent seeping through.

"I didn't have my phone, Alex said you wanted us over to dinner? Why all of a sudden?" Gabriela turned around and placed her head on my lap still letting me comb my fingers through her hair as she closed her eyes.

"Che cosa? Non posso invitare la mia famiglia a cena?"

(What? I can't have my family over for dinner?)

"I didn't say that, È improvviso. Non abbiamo cenato insieme da quando Ariel ha lasciato la mamma"

(It's sudden. We haven't had dinner together ever since Ariel left mama)

"Exactly it's been awhile. I want to officially meet Gabriela, So che non dovrei fidarmi di quello che Ariel ha detto su di lei, quindi voglio parlare con lei. I wasn't able to talk to her like I wanted to at Ava's birthday"

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